Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab

Seminar Series

2022 - 2023

 Seminar Financed by the TEPREME project

Speaker: Laura Lasio (McGill U, Montreal).

Title: “Stigma as a barrier to treatment and adoption of innovation”

joint with Laura Grigolon (U of Mannheim).

Date: Thursday, December 15th at 12h30 (Paris Time).

Abstract: Diseases such as mental illnesses, HIV, or certain cancer types carry a stigma that may deter patients from seeking treatment and, in turn, hinder the diffusion of innovative therapies. We investigate the link between social stigma as a barrier to access treatment and the adoption of innovation using the population of patients diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in Ontario (Canada) over the last decade: among all cancers, lung cancer suffers most from stigma because of its association with smoking behavior. Thanks to the rich information on patients at the geographic level, we are able to incorporate social stigma in a model of patient’s utility for pursuing treatment.

We find that patients face significant stigma acting as a barrier to treatment participation, which in turn slows down the adoption of innovative lung cancer treatment. Removing social stigma would increase the use of innovative treatment by 4%, with benefits in survival outweighing the additional treatment costs.

Bio: Here is a link to the speaker’s website

You are cordially invited to participate to the seminar, which will take place in Room 204, Bosco building.

Here is a link to the website of the TEPREME project which finances this seminar:

For more information, please contact: Anna D’Annunzio or Pierre Mella-Barral