Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab

Seminar Series

2022 - 2023

Seminar Financed by the TEPREME project

Speaker: David Bardey (U de los Andes - CEDE).

Title: “Genetic Testing with Attraction to Chance from Pooling to Separating Contracts”

joint with Philippe De Donder (TSE).

Date: Thursday, March 23rd at 12h30 (Paris Time).

Abstract: We analyze how the increased use of genetic tests, following a decrease in their monetary cost, a¤ects the equilibrium contracts (pooling or separating) in health insurance markets. Policyholders di¤er in their psychological attitude towards testing, resulting in an endogenous fraction of tested agents. We show that large test costs result in a fraction of tested agents low enough to sustain a pooling equilibrium involving cross subsidies between policyholders. A separating equilibrium occurs when the test cost is lower than a threshold level. Decreases in genetic test costs are Pareto improving only when the equilibrium is separating and may be welfare damaging for a large fraction of agents when the equilibrium is pooling, or switches from pooling to separating.

Here are links to the speaker’s website, the FEELab website and the TEPREME project website:

You are cordially invited to participate to the following seminar of the FEELab, which will take place in Room 204, Bosco building:

For more information, please contact: Anna D’Annunzio or Pierre Mella-Barral