Finance Economics and Econometrics Lab

Seminar Series

2021 - 2022


Speaker: Paolo Aversa (Bayes Business School, City, U of London).

Title: “The emergence and evolution of adaptive ecosystems: The role of value propositions”

joint with Cristiana Pace (U of Coventry), Paolo Taticchi (UCLondon), Mark Michaelides (Bayes Business School, City, U of London), Daniel Metzger (Rotterdam School of Management) and Jianxin Wu (Stockholm School of Economics).

Date: Thursday, June 16th at 12h30 (Paris Time).

Abstract: Using value propositions to align various actors in adaptive ecosystems – i.e., those characterized by very diverse market and non-market stakeholders – poses rising challenges to orchestrators. Yet, it is still unclear how this complex alignment occurs. This study investigates the emergence and evolution of the Formula E ecosystem to theorize a four-phase process on how an orchestrator can progressively align different stakeholders around a new value proposition. We detail the pattern by which the orchestrators changes the business model and the technology of the ecosystem to resolve the critical trade-off between financial sustainability and technological innovation. This is achieved by initially adopting innovative ecosystem arrangements that attract new stakeholders, but later-on reconverging towards traditional ones to deliver on the value proposition. This, however, triggers a shakeout of those stakeholders that originally allowed the emergence of the ecosystem.

Bio: Here is a link to the speaker’s website

You are cordially invited to participate to the seminar, which will take place in Room 104, Bosco building. For those who will not be in the room, please find the zoom link below:

For more information, please contact: Pierre Mella-Barral