

  • Assured CPS autonomy applications
    • CPSs consist of both logical elements such as embedded computers and physical elements connected by communication channels such as Internet.
    • A wide range of safety critical CPSs, from an autonomous systems (e.g., UAS) to human-machine interaction (HMI) systems, and to networked systems (e.g., ATC, Smart Power Grid)
    • Each requires elaborate control tasks under different operating condition

=> Conventional control methods could not be directly applicable to assure the CPS

  • Develop a unified control framework for assured CPS autonomy
  • Focus of Our Research: Cyber-Physical Security and Safety of CPS
    • Research in Cyber Security from Computer Science Perspective
      • Key component of hardware/software layer in computer controlled system
      • Do not address the dynamical behavior of the CPS under cyber attacks
    • Scope of this study: Secure control theoretic perspective
      • Using the information about the dynamical model of the CPSs: Model-based approach
      • We do not enumerate the methods of cyber attacks; rather we focus on the resulting damage to the CPS dynamics if some data used is corrupted by cyber attacks.

Related Publication

  1. J. Goppert, A. Shull, N. Sathyamoorthy, W. Liu, V. Sciandra, I. Hwang and H. Aldridge, “Software/Hardware-in-the-Loop Analysis of Cyberattacks on Unmanned Aerial Systems,” AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information System, Vol. 11(5), pp. 337-343, May 2014