Mechatronics lectures
Mechatronics Lectures
Mechatronics Lectures
Under construction...
Introduction to Mechatronics (Link to Professor Clarence de Silva lecture notes)
Review of control systems
Review of first and second order systems in time and frequency domain
DC Motor Control (By Dr. Jie Chen from Brunel Unversity of London)
State-space model
State-space model for dynamic systems and control
Linear Quandratic Regulator (LQR)
Case studies/Selected topics
Solar powered vehicles
Fuel-cell powered vehicles
Vehicle dynamics and control
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic for control
(Mechatronics: A Lecture by Prof. Clarence W. de Silva) (Information about the talk) (Video)
(Mechatronics: Quantum Engineering - Quantum entanglement and cryptography for robotics and autonomy) (Video)