District Comparisons

2018-2019 School Year


Noteworthy Observations and Wonderings:

  • Budgets between buildings remain inconsistent.
  • Several schools are heavily reliant on supplemental funds to build their collection.

Visitors and Resource Circulation

Noteworthy Observations and Wonderings:

  • FHS is the only building on a flexible schedule. This means that students are not required to use the media center and come down on their own time.
  • All other buildings are on a fixed schedule. This means the teacher schedules weekly visits to the media center.
  • Visits and checkouts at FHS are down; we would like to further discuss possible reasons.

The Collection

Noteworthy Observations and Wonderings:

  • The number of materials added to the collection directly relates to available budget; therefore materials added remains inconsistent as well.
  • The average age of the non-fiction collection at each building is between 20-30 years old. This means that students who are gathering information are exposed to information that is 20-30 years old. We would like to have further discussion about how to update the collection with newer print materials and/or offering more electronic resources.
  • The age of the FHS collection is 30 years old; however, please note that not much non-fiction has been purchased. The focus has been more on adding electronic resources to use for research.