Embed YouTube, Maps and Calendars
Embed YouTube, Maps and Calendars
Embed content By URL or Embed code
Embed content By URL or Embed code
Embed a Google Drive Folder
Embed a Google Drive Folder
If you want your readers to have access to all the files in a Google Drive folder, right click on that folder to Share.
Copy the shareable link, then paste that link into Embed by URL on the Google site.
The folder can then be viewed either as a list or as thumbnails
From Blogger
From Blogger
An embed by URL from my blog has title, picture and link included.
Other information to embed
Other information to embed
- Embed YouTube videos or those stored in your Google Drive
- Embed an audio file
- Embed a Facebook stream, a Pinterest board, a slideshow
- Embed a calendar with significant dates from your family history
- Embed a Google MyMap showing locations or journeys of ancestors