How to create one in a free Google site

Create a family site

Google sites is a free, easy platform to use for your family site. A simple drag and drop interface combined with a variety of themes and mobile friendly styles, make building a website easy.

Six simple themes are provided. Start simple and customise as you go.

Planning your site

Provide some background information on your home page about the scope and purpose of your site.

Invite contributions from family.

Add some pages using a structure that suits your needs. Some issues to consider:

  • Who is your intended audience?
  • Will you be concentrating on a particular family?
  • What documents, pictures, charts and information do you want to add?
  • Do you want to provide a logical index for your blog posts that are located elsewhere?
  • Do you need more than one site for different families?

Visit my pages here to gather some ideas then log in to your Google account and choose Sites to start your new family site.

Page sections

Individual page sections make up the basic building blocks of your site.

Each section may be styled according to the theme presets, or personalised with a background image.

A mixture of content media can be added to any section. This section has a text box and an image and a background image.


for creating and organising pages

Pages menu

Pages are rearranged by drag and drop

Adding content

5 easy options

How to add content

Text boxes title


this is normal font

  • lists
  • bullet points
  1. numbered

Subheading style

Each text box comes with its own formatting toolbar and boxes can be dragged to move and resized to fit any space.

textbox toolbar

Buttons and Dividers

Dividers break up sections, making large sections of text easier on the eye.

Buttons can be used to provide links to internal pages or other sites. They adjust to an appropriate size and colour depending on the theme colours and their placement on the page.

Notice the difference between the buttons here and the Contact button in the page footer.

Links in text boxes show up as underlined.