
Spring has sprung! Important information, dates, and more ways to get involved at The Downtown School are below!

As always, please reach out with any questions. We are here to serve!

Project Based Learning Wall

In an effort to serve you better, we will be updating and asking for your input on our current PBL work. Please see the pictures below for a snapshot of the PBL work happening at your age level and feel free to connect with each of our Projects in any way you can!

The presentation below was presented at our last PTA meeting and provides an overview of all proactive and reactive strategies should our school find itself in an emergency situation.

Emergency Procedures

Iowa Assessments - April 2nd - april

PTA Roles

Seeking Passionate Parents for PTA Roles

This has been a great year for DTS and we are grateful for all of the passionate parents and teachers who have been a part of creating an exceptional learning environment for our kids through their involvement in the PTA. As we plan for the upcoming school year we have some vacancies on the PTA Board and are looking for volunteers to bring their ideas and voices to our work. Most of the roles are shared positions to allow for not only more engagement but also flexibility with what we know are busy schedules. It's not rocket science to be on the board and the only pre-requisites are that you care about making DTS a great place, are passionate about the role that parents and teachers play in education and can have a little fun along the way.

Here are the specific roles that we anticipate for the 2018-2019 school year… and some things for you to reflect on as you consider being involved. Once you are interested, please email Ben Bellus at with the role or roles you would consider. We will be in touch!

- Vice Chair

o Ever been (or heard of) a back-up quarter back? Nick Foles ring a bell?

o Love being a part of a team?

o Ever helped someone out... maybe shoveled their driveway when they were out of town?

o Consider the Vice Chair role.

- Secretary (one)

o Did you ace your sixth grade typing test or participate in a spelling bee?

o Do you know how to type or text?

o Have you written a letter?

o Consider the Secretary role.

- Treasurers (two)

o Do you still use a check book on occasion?

o Have you created a budget? Or followed a budget?

o Would you be willing to stop by a bank even if you didn’t get a sucker?

o Consider the Treasurer roles.

- Parent Volunteer Director (one)

o Have you organized a potluck- or participated in one?

o Have you collected money to buy a friend a birthday gift?

o Do you like supporting your child’s DTS teacher?

o Do you have an email address?

o Consider the PVC role.

Important Upcoming Dates

March All School Sing - Thursday, March 29th - 8:30 AM - Central Campus Auditorium

No school - Friday, March 30th - Staff Professional Development Day

No school - Friday, April 20th and Monday, April 23rd