
Placing my name on this document is somewhat disingenuous as so many educators have spoken into its development. Hundreds of practicing teachers and pre-service teachers have read this document and given invaluable feedback and ideas to improve it. Knowing that I have very likely forgotten individuals, I acknowledge practicing teachers who have spoken into this document including Angela Wikkerink, Rebecca De Smith, Lynette Feenstra, Shirley Kaemingk, Nadine Krikke, Rachel MacKenzie, Janelle Mulder, Brent Van Schepen, and Kristi Zonnefeld.  

I would be remiss not to acknowledge the role that my husband and number one colleague, Ryan Zonnefeld, provided. His important early work on this document and continued insights, feedback, and proof reading were invaluable. 

I have been blessed with outstanding department colleagues who have inspired me in many ways and provided honest feedback. Our discussions on teaching mathematics from a Christian perspective are invaluable. These colleagues include Calvin Jongsma, Derek Schuurman, Tom Clark, Mike Janssen, Melissa Lindsey, and Laura Janssen. Laura deserves extra mention as the mini projects that she has designed are excellent examples teaching mathematics within a context that also touches the heart.  

Three undergraduate students have played a special role in giving feedback and ideas. Kate (Van Weelden) DeVries was an early reader with outstanding ideas. Abigail Clemens wrote a paper in the fall of 2020 that was so insightful that I knew I wanted her set of eyes on this document. In her own words, “The sum of math and faith together is much greater than simply one of these ideas separate from the other.” Amen Abigail! As a student who experienced Teaching for Transformation in her high school education, she gave fresh insights and ensured that the lower elementary mathematics were both rich and approachable. Eliana (Kuperus) Bos was instrumental in refining and disseminating this work.

The Teaching for Transformation throughlines are used with permission from the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education