6th Grade  

 How can mathematics help us explore and learn about creation? (C-E)

How does mathematics reflect the beauty of creation? (B-C)

How can we reflect the body of Christ? (C-B)

Can we worship God in the way that we do mathematics? (G-W)

How can mathematics help us explore and learn about creation? (C-E)

How can we use patterns and relationships to serve? (O-D) 

How is mathematics a tool to care for the earth? (E-K)

How is mathematics a language that helps communicate? (S-W)

How can we use mathematics to meet the needs of the world? (J-S) 

How can mathematics be used to bring restoration? (J-S)

How is mathematics a language that helps communicate? (S-W) 

How can mathematics be used for good or evil? (I-D) 

How can we use patterns and relationships to serve? (O-D, S-W) 

How does mathematics help find truth? (I-D)