
Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot

By James Hamilton

May 17th, 2024

Robert Fico, the long standing prime minister of Slovakia, was shot 4 times at point blank range on Wednesday.  He is expected to live after remaining in life threatening conditions for several hours.  This attack is said to be responsible only by an individual and was politically motivated.  Whether individual or not, because of Slovakia's presence in NATO, this does not help to ease global tensions.  Future attacks on NATO leaders will most probably result in a break out of war.  This make its al the more important that we are not irrational in our love of democracy.  No matter who our leader is we must follow them in any way that does not go against God's will.

UMC removes 40-year ban on LGBTQ+ clergy.

By James Hamilton

May 6th, 2024

The United Methodist Church removed the 40 year long ban on LGBTQ+ clergy last week.  This is a predicted outcome of the direction the group has been heading.  The UMC has been liberalizing over the past 100 years and has officially gone overboard.  The church, if it can even be called that anymore, gave in to worldly desires and accepted LGBTQ+ members not only as Christians but as teachers.

This is the kind of thing that is result of giving in.  It is our duty to never give in to what the world wants.  The world is like a tank of piranhas, they will eat any part of you you give them, and soon they will consume you completely.  We must hold our ground and fight back against liberals trying to change our churches, our schools, and our livelyhood.  It is the only way for the truth to remain.

Anti-semitism is preading like wildfire across college campuses.

By Caleb A. Gerber

May 3rd, 2024

More than 2,000 students have been arrested in colleges and Universities across the country. In Columbia, pro-Hamas rioters stormed Hamilton Hall. At USC, statues are being defaced as angry mobs not seen since the George Floyd riots of 2020 run rampant. Already many have been seriously injured, whilst brave policemen and women try to maintain order in the face of such evil. The anti-semitic riots have continued ever since October 7th, with many students being supended or expelled for anti-semitic behavior. However, more still needs to be done. Columbia President Minoush Shafik has been disgraced as more and more anti-Semite behavior on campus hasd many Jews fearing for their safety.

When pro-Hamas protesters stormed Hamilton Hall, students Charles Beck, and Rory Douglas stood their ground against the protesters, in a miraculous act of bravery against evil, these two students tried to block the entrance to Hamilton Hall, but were ultimately removed, although neither sustained injuries.

At Indiana University, a group of students protesting the protest stood in unity and sang "The Star Spangled Banner."

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein was amopng those arrested, on April 28th. Many colleges have already shut their doors, supended classes, rescheduled exams, and sent Jewish students home, fearing for their safety.

THe behavior by these promoters of evil is unnacceptable, and downright genocidal. Conservatives have said of the Holocaust "Never Again." but where are they when they are most needed? This should be our rallying call. It's time to act. Hitler must never again rise. Jews must never again have to fear for their safety, their wellbeing, and their very lives. These students' behavior is inapropriate and unbecoming an American citizen. We must stand with the Jewish people. we must stand with Israel, and we must say with a strong voice "Never Again!!!!!!!"

Iran attacks Israel in unprecedented attacks, following assassination of IRGC Commander in Damascus

By Caleb A. Gerber

April 15th, 2024

Yesterday, in an unprecedented attack on the Jewish State of Israel, The Islamic Republic of Iran launched over 170 attack drones, together with ballistic missiles, as a retaliation for a strike in Damascus Syria, that killed a top Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander. Many hold Israel to be accountable for this strike, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to comment on any involvment from the Israeli Mossad.

Yesterday, in a barage of missiles, Israeli defense forces, with the legendary Iron Dome, shot down over 99% of the drones and missiles, in concordance with the United States, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Foreign airlines have cancelled all flights to or from Ben Gurion International Airport, in Tel Aviv.

Folllowing Iran's botched attack on Israel, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said: “Holy al-Quds will be in the hands of the Muslims, and the Muslim world will celebrate the liberation of Palestine,” 

However President Joe Biden has told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that an Israeli-first strike on Iran is "not necessary," he went on and told the PM that the United States would not participate in any further retaliatory strikes against Iran. PM Netanyahu and his cabinet are still deciding on a response to Iran, reporters suggested that the cabinet has states that they "will not allow an attack of that magnitude against it to pass without a reaction.” 

This follows many days of President Biden undermining Israel's right to defend herself, and urging for a casefire in Gaza. This is dangerous ground for the United States. Not retaliating against Iran, would show that Israel is weak and unprepared, but what this really shows is that Israel can no longer count on support from a weak President, who is giving in to the sinister resolves of the progressives in his party.

Israel has not only the right, but also the full responsibility to carry out a retaliatory attack against Iran and show them that any further provocation will be met with stern and inmediate reciprocation. Israel is America's greatest ally, Israel needs us, but more importantly, we need Israel.

President Biden's surveillance of Americans under the Patriot Act

By James Hamilton, Caleb A. Gerber

April 10, 2024

The Patriot Act, passed only 45 days after 9/11, allows the government to surveil legitimate suspects and seize their personal information.  This act was created to stop potential terrorist attacks before they happen.  This law has good intent but has many unwished for side-effects.  For one, thousands of government officials now have access to private information, and so it is bound to be misused.  Another concern is that it gives up some of our right for privacy in exchange for some safety from terrorists.  Benjamin Franklin puts it: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.".

This leads people to question whether its worth it.  After all terrorist attacks still happen.  And what about all the innocent suspects, who had their information taken?  For the time being it does not seem to be a big deal, but what if the government slowly takes more and more of our liberties away from us?  The fact of the matter is, citizens should always be wary of their government, for it is the only way to maintain our liberty.

One of the advocates for the Patriot Act, was then Senator from Delaware Joseph Biden Jr. Biden bragged several times that he had basically "written the Patriot Act." What the Patriot Act did, was in the words of American Civil Liberties Union; "“turns regular citizens into suspects.”  Nearly  25 years after this historic mistake, Americans are about to sacrifice their freedoms yet again, under the "Patriot Act II", President Biden has weaponized the justice system, and put our nation at risk, under this new law, he can incarcerate those who did nothing wrong during or after January 6th, 2021.

Controversial Law in Scotland Raises Freedom of Speech Concerns

"The power to restrict what people may say is a dangerous one that leads to tyranny, propaganda, and loss of rights."

April 5th, 2024

By Ellie Mazzucco

Scotland passed a new law that allows the government to imprison anyone for up to 7 years who is found to “stir up hatred” against the LGBTQ community. Laws meant to restrict “hate crime” already exist, but this new controversial law was met by anger from opponents. Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling challenged this law as a restriction on free speech. She warned that “Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.” She dared the Scottish police to arrest her for her statement. Rowling warned that this law was "wide open to abuse."

 As dangerous as restricting speech to fit a biological belief is, the larger danger lies in the fact that this law is one of many that move towards restricting what people are allowed to say. Free speech does not mean whatever speech the government deems nice. If a nation supports free speech, this means that is allows its citizens to freely debate all beliefs and ideologies. This includes statements that may be incorrect or hurtful. The power to restrict what people may say is a dangerous one that leads to tyranny, propaganda, and loss of rights. As individual people, we must be careful with our words, but as a nation, we must be careful not to restrict words. 

Florida Supreme Court upholds 15-week abortion ban.

April 5th, 2024

By Caleb A. Gerber

Last April, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a 6-week ban on abortions. A separate bill, signed by Governor DeSantis in 2022, banned abortions up to 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

On Monday, the Florida Supreme Court, reshaped by Governor DeSantis, a firm pro-life supporter, ruled 6-1 to uphold the state's 15-week ban. DeSantis, elected in 2018, has appointed 5 of the state's 7 justices.

In a separate ruling, the court ruled 4-3 to support a ballot measure that could potentially enshrine abortion rights in the Florida Constitution. The amendment requires 60% of the vote to pass into law.

Many progressive Democrats believe that this will drive pro-abortion voters to the polls in November, where incumbent US Senator Rick Scott faces a tough reelection.

Most Republican-controlled states have enacted pro-life laws in their states since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade in 2022.

Although this is a win for life and a win for the unborn, we must not stop here. Even though a 6-week ban is good progress, we must not compromise on our beliefs that, as the Declaration of Independence says: "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

We must not comrpomise when it comes to life, we must continue to fight until every man and woman, born and unborn, young and old have their full, God-given rights. Life is sacred, it is not dispensable.

"We must not comrpomise when it comes to life, we must continue to fight until every man and woman, born and unborn, young and old have their full, God-given rights. Life is sacred, it is not dispensable."

Former Senator Joe Lieberman, dead at 82.

March 27, 2024

By Caleb A. Gerber

Senator Joe Lieberman, former Senator from Connecticut who in 2000 made history as the first Jewish vice-presidential nominee of a major political party ticket, when he ran alongside then vice president Al Gore. Gore and Lieberman narrowly lost the 2000 election to President George W. Bush who was then Governor of Texas and his running mate Former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney.

Lieberman not only made history as the first Jewish vice-presidential nominee, he also was a dissident Democrat who was a major contributor to No Labels, a centrist political party founded in 2010. He is survived by his wife, Hadassah and four children. 

After the 9/11 attacks, it was Lieberman who called for the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Lieberman also angered many Democrats when he supported his long-time friend John McCain in 2008 over Democratic nominee and eventual president Barack Obama. 

Lieberman was a firm supporter of the nation of Israel. A week before his death, he criticized Senate majority Leader Chuck Schumer for “meaningless, gratuitous and offensive” talk against the nation of Israel.

May this remarkable man, dedicated public servant and American legend rest in peace!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picks far-left activist Nicole Shanahan as his running mate in an independent presidential bid.

By Caleb A. Gerber

March 26, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of slain presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of slain President John F. Kennedy, announced Tuesday that he was tapping far-left activist Nicole Shanahan, who had previously donated millions to Democratic politicians such as President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in his 2020 presidential bid and who has propagated for a far-left environmentalist agenda.

Shanahan, 38, is the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin. Kennedy announced his VP pick earlier in the cycle than most presidential candidates, in an effort to obtain ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. He currently has ballot access in the states of Utah, New Hampshire, and Hawaii. News outlets have also reported that he has collected the necessary signatures to appear on the ballot in Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, South Carolina, and, most recently, Michigan.

Kennedy faces big odds as he seeks to propel his campaign to victory in what would become the first time in US history that an independent presidential candidate reaches the highest office in the land. Although Kennedy's stances on many issues, such as the economy and foreign policy, are in line with conservative values, his continued propaganda on the climate change hoax and his progressive stances on social issues, combined with his nomination of Shanahan, a far-left political activist, should make all conservatives who would seek to vote for Kennedy wary.