About us

Who we are.

The Faith and Freedom Front USA is a political organization formed on March 12th, 2022. A right-wing conservative Christian group whose purpose is to give Americans and conservative voters the resources needed to make informed decisions on whom they vote for and whom they support in political races across the country.

We are currently working on an in-depth political voter-guide that will help conservative Christians all over the country know what the candidates on their ballot stand for, and what they stand against, and whether or not they will support the traditional values America was built on.

We believe in the conservative principles of limited government, free markets and a society built on the Christian values that our founding fathers intended when they founded this nation in 1776.

Meet our amazing team!

Founder and Director: Caleb A. Gerber

Vice-president: Isaac Heinold

Isaac Heinold 

Hello, my name is Isaac Heinold and I am a devout Christian and I go to church at the Washington Apostolic Christian Church in Washington, IL. My interests and hobbies include storm spotting, chasing, and forecasting. I also love to read, especially my Bible. I enjoy music, both listening to and playing it. I also enjoy singing, especially Christian songs, both alone and with various groups. 

I am a loyal and outspoken Republican from Rural Central Illinois. I have stances on many issues, but the two main issues that I am most concerned about is LGBTQ+ Rights and Abortion Rights. I am concerned with politics, but also with faith. There are so many issues in American politics right now, but these two play into people’s religious faith and beliefs. God did not create the human body just so we could tamper with it and mess up his design for it. God did not create the gift of new life just so we could end that life before they get to experience the world. LGBTQ+ Rights and Abortion Rights are sinful and moral evils and they must be stopped. It violates our creator’s design, and I will do my part in making sure that these violations of God’s design are stopped.

Director of Policy and Research: Ellie P. Mazzucco

Director of Technology: James W. Hamilton

Director of Faith-based iniciatives: Gabriel R. Herrmann

Director of Membership: Michael C. Louviere

Director of Communications: Seth A. Bean

Assitant Director of Communications: Ruth Donigian

Director of Public Affairs: Karissa Burns

The Faith and Freedom Front USA on the Issues


We uphold the rule of law as the bedrock of a just society. Policymakers need to make legal immigration easily accessible for law-abiding immigrants, to disincentivize illegal immigration. We assert that all forms of immigration must be in compliance with all national and international laws. We believe that a country without borders is not a country. We support merit-based immigration systems that prioritize those with the skills, education and training necessary to benefit our country both culturally and economically. We do not support amnesty as this is counter-productive and will lead to the rise of crime in our big cities. We fully support deportation. If you come to this country, you do it the right way. Otherwise, you go right back to where you came.

Education over Indoctrination

Public schools cannot teach politically biased information or hide information from parents. Education should teach kids how to think, not what to think. The purpose of the public school system is to aid the parents in the education of a child. For too long, liberal leftists have indoctrinated our kids in the public education system, making it easier for them to get a gender transition without their parent's permission than to get an aspirin. The Faith and Freedom Front is proud to be pro-education and anti-indoctrination. Get those woke gender ideologies away from the children and get back to teaching reading’, ritin’, and rithmetic.

Standing up to China

China is a sore thumb in the world.  A symbol of communism, dictatorships, and everything we hate as Freedom Seekers. China also has a history of threatening their smaller neighbors (Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.).  China cannot be allowed to do this.  We must stand up to them and offer protection to the countries around them.  After China gained control of Hong Kong they terrorized the people there.  One can only imagine what they would do to other countries.  PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.  China has also had a history of breaking international law.  Military action is necessary to keep them in check.  America has been blessed with a strong military and economy.  We need to use this gift for good.  So far we have sat on the sidelines.  Not doing anything to avoid doing bad is just as bad as doing bad.  China is a threat, and our country must Never Give an Inch when dealing with it.

Response to Terrorism

Terrorists are a national security threat. We treat them as such. The government has the right and the duty to protect it's people from terrirists who have sworn to destroy America. Fighting terrorism is not Islamophobic, it is common sense. As a country we must ensure that Iran never acquires nuclear missiles. We must destroy ISIS and the Taliban. This means collaborating with our allies to ensure the complete destruction of those who would chant “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”

Standing with our allies

The Faith and Freedom Front USA is proud to stand with our allies. It would be hypocritical to state that the United States does not need anyone else to survive, it does. We stand with our allies. Their enemies are our enemies. Their friends are our friends. Democracy and republicanism must survive, monarchy, tyranny, marxism must die. There should not be anything controversial about that. We stand with NATO, but we are an America First organization, and as such will defend our own interests before those of the others. However, usually the two do not conflict when it comes to the well-being of our allies.

 Furthermore, we stand with the nation of Israel. Israel is the greatest pursuer of democracy in the Middle East. Israel needs us and we need Israel. We do not support the leftist, progressive rhetoric or politicians who demand an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. 

Israel has the right, and the obligation to defend themselves and to wipe Hamas off the map. Hamas continues to hold Israeli citizens hostage, and Israel has the duty to protect its citizens and fight against Hamas until every hostage returns. 


Sending aid to Ukraine is not a partisan issue. Standing with our allies is something the United States has always done, and hopefully, always does. Vladimir Putin is a tyrant. He has murdered thousands of innocent people, invaded a nation in a time of peace, and continued to assault the homeland of the Ukrainian people. These are not the qualities of a smart, good leader. They are the qualities of an evil genius, a tyrant. We stand with Ukraine. We stand against Russia.


We are proudly 100% pro-life. We believe that both mothers and unborn children have value, and we must love them both. Promoting abortion destroys the responsibilities inherent in parenting and creates incentives for fathers to leave the mother since she can abort their child, and thus abortion damages women’s rights. We oppose the claim that it is a matter of choice and believe that the infant is a living human being and is entitled to the same rights as all the rest of us: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every child is made in God's image from conception. Abortion is murder.

Family Values

The Faith and Freedom Front is a proudly pro-family, pro-American worker, pro-faith, pro-God organization. We understand that this nation is exceptional not because of what we have taken, but because of what we have given. Being a mother doesn't hold a woman back; motherhood is a wonderful and admirable role. A one-man one-woman marriage is a beautiful God-designed relationship. These values made our nation what we are today. If we turn our back on these great and timeless principles, the very foundations of this country will dissolve under our very feet.


As a proponent of small government, we believe in fiscal responsibility. We are capitalist to the bones. A strong economy means a strong nation. Free markets ensure a free people. Capitalism allows for people to work themselves out of poverty, it allows the development of a strong, free nation. Socialism alienates the worker from the product, disincentiving hard work. Hard workers should be rewarded, and capitalism does this. We have seen the failure of socialism demonstrated throughout history. The freer the market the freer the people.

Death Penalty

The death penalty is a punishment justified in extreme scenarios. When a criminal has been proven to take the life of another knowingly and willingly, the death penalty can be necessary. By creating incentives against capital crimes, the death penalty has statistically been proven to decrease deaths. Every government is obligated to put in place a system to punish the guilty, and praise the just.

Election Integrity

The integrity of our election system faces formidable challenges, as questionable circumstances in the recent election have engendered pervasive apprehension regarding its integrity. Election fraud has been committed by both sides, but leftist policies have made fraud easier. While asserting that the 2020 election was not stolen, it is crucial to recognize the existence of valid concerns that warrant scrutiny.

In order to fortify the electoral process, we advocate for the mandatory implementation of a voter ID requirement, a measure designed to enhance the security and legitimacy of the voting system. Furthermore, we staunchly support the retention of the electoral college, viewing it as an essential safeguard against potential abuses in the democratic process. Concurrently, we maintain that the age of 18 is a judicious threshold for voting eligibility, aligning with our commitment to a measured and responsible approach to suffrage.

Drug Legalization

The Faith and Freedom Front staunchly opposes the legalization of drugs, recognizing the severe and far-reaching consequences such a policy shift could have on our society. We firmly believe that the government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from the harmful effects of substance abuse, and the legalization of drugs would only exacerbate the existing challenges associated with addiction and public safety.

LGBTQ+ Rights

We believe that all men are created equal. We respect the rights of all individuals. However, we also believe that marriage is a holy institution, created by God, between one man and one woman. We oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage, but respect the decisions of the court. 

We also believe that the radical left has gone too far in pushing for this sinister agenda. They have injected it into the military, into our public education system, and into every single aspect of society. Indoctrinating a biological belief in our education system is wrong. Religious opinions should not be tagged as hate speech. As Christians, we are called to love those around us, but not support it.

We support the traditional definitions of marriage, not the definition that the woke left has been pushing for too long.

Second amendment rights

We believe in the Second Amendment right of every American to keep and bear arms. To defend themselves. The safer the law-abiding citizens, the safer the country. We also believe in law and order. The government however, has absolutely no business taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. Guns will be available, legally or illegally. The only thing gun control does is ensure that when some criminal goes on a shooting rampage, the only person with a gun will be the shooter. The second amendment right of every single American should be respected and the government has no business taking that right, guaranteed in the US Constitution away from law-abiding citizens.

Health care

Let’s get one thing straight… Big Brother is the problem, not the solution, In God we Trust & In the Government we Distrust. The government has absolutely no business telling you what doctor you have to go to. We oppose Obamacare as a horrible idea from the radical left that has just left people poorer, the government a little bit richer and China happier. 

Every patient, every American has the right to have his or her own doctor, of his or her own choice, no government interference.

Woke corporations & monopolies.

The Faith and Freedom Front USA recognizes the concerning trend of corporations succumbing to woke ideologies and the proliferation of monopolies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook. This poses a direct threat to the principles of free speech, fair competition, and individual liberties that are the foundation of our capitalist system.

We firmly assert that corporations, irrespective of their size or influence, must not exploit their market dominance to silence dissenting voices or manipulate public discourse. The notion of woke ideologies infiltrating corporate policies undermines the core values that have made America great. We reject the politicization of business and advocate for a return to a neutral and unbiased business environment that prioritizes fair competition and consumer choice.

Climate change

We believe that everyone has a duty to care for the environment, but that the government should not force this upon its citizens. The government should never make policies based on unproven or biased scientific theories. This is God’s planet, he created it for human use, of course, we always need to handle that with responsibility. We should never worship nature; we should worship nature's creator. 

Backing the blue

At Faith and Freedom Front, we believe in standing with the policemen and policewomen who risk their lives each day to protect their communities, families, friends and country. We acknowledge that our police system is not perfect, but it is our obligation but also our privilege to firmly have the backs of these courageous men and women. The radical left is trying to attack these people, calling them racists for simply performing their jobs, and calling for the abolition of the police force in favor of social groups that would let law and disorder reign supreme, instead of law and order, and the rule of the land. We unapolagetically stand with our men in blue!