Sign the petition to stand with Israel!

Students of America. Conservatives. Patriots. This is a time to act.

Jewish students across the country are in danger, fearing for their safety, their lives, their wellbeing.

In the 1930s, Jews in Germany were confronting a similar situation. The “fringe minority” was advocating for their genocide. They almost succeeded. Had it not been for the brave actions of simple men and women, for the decisions of those people, for the call to rally that they gave, and for their understanding of the great evil that was enveloping them, Hitler may well have succeeded. This is happening again. Not in Germany. In America.

It is time for us to stand, it is time for us to rally. To stand with the Jewish people. To stand with Israel. To say NEVER AGAIN! To stand against Hamas, and unequivocally support Israel’s mission to eradicate this terrorist organization.

It is the duty of American colleges and universities to condemn these anti-Semitic attacks. It is their duty to expel those students who are not exercising their free speech rights, but are instead, calling for the genocide of the Jews.

These people are standing with a terrorist organization intent on wiping Israel off the map. These people, these students, this fringe minority are abusing their constitutional rights in calling for the extermination of a certain ethnic group.

We must stand unapologetically with the Jewish students across the country who are confronting discrimination.

As Charles Beck, and Rory Douglas, two Columbia students who stood up to the mob, to the rioters, to the criminals who are perpetrating these acts, let this also be a rallying cry for us.

Conservatives, Christians, all those who stand with the nation of Israel, it is time. It is time for courageous men and women who will stand up to evil, and who will defeat it!

For Freedom, for America,