Zoe's Eagle Scout Project

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, Eagle Scout candidate Zoe Arhanic helped organize the planting of 16 shade trees along in the northern part of Fair Haven Fields.  Below is Zoe's story.


My name is Zoe Arhanic.  I’m a Life Scout in Troop 628 and I’m working towards my Eagle rank.  On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, as part of my Eagle Project, I led a group of almost 40 volunteers to plant 16 native shade trees in the abandoned area north of Fair Haven Fields.

In time these trees will grow to form a canopy which will help slow the growth of the invasive vines that have pulled down nearly all of the former trees that once grew in this area.  In addition to inhibiting invasive vine growth, this project will help restore the area to its native beauty, and bring back other forms of life that haven’t been able to survive there for many years.

We've taken a first step in restoring this area, but now I need your support to help fully realize the benefits of this project!

I need 16 families (one tree each) to ‘adopt’ one of the trees that we planted. By adopting a tree, your family will help ensure these trees have a healthy future and will take us one step closer to restoring this area to its native state.

If you choose to adopt a tree, your family will be responsible for watering your tree this summer (for the next 16 weeks, until Sept 15th) with 6 gallons of water each week.

Having families help water the trees is critical to helping them survive the first few months in their new home, especially during the summer months.

I will be checking the trees a couple of times a week, so if your tree looks dry, don’t worry, I will water it.  But we’d like to give these trees a fighting chance in the summer heat, so I need as much help as I can get from our community!

Even if you can't adopt a tree right now, please come out and enjoy this wonderful green space, and watch as it grows and thrives with the addition of these new shade trees!

Thank you so much for considering this request.

Yours truly,

Zoe Arhanic

Various volunteers were digging holes just prior to the delivery of the trees.

Jack Privatera and Zoe Arhanic discusing the nuances of shade tree planting.

A perfect before picture of the area just before planting began.

Below are the 16 trees planted by Zoe and her team on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022.

1 - Mayor Halpern

(Crimson King Maple)

2 - Council President Rodriguez

(Pin Oak)

3 - Olson Family

(Pin Oak)

4 - Sullivan Family

(Pin Oak)

5 - Johnston Family

(Crimson King Maple)

6 - Reid Family

(Red Maple)

7 - Baker Family

(Pin Oak)

8 - Estop Family

(Pin Oak)

9 - Paolo Family

(Pin Oak)

10 - Dengler Family

(Pin Oak)

11 - McCann Family

(Crimson King Maple)

12 - Torcivia Family

(Pin Oak)

13 - Hoey Family

(Red Maple)

14 - Neff Family

(Red Oak)

15 - Gabison Family

(Red Oak)

16 - Arhanic Family

(Pin Oak)