Third Street Trail

(A Land Reclamation Project)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

~ Margaret Mead

Third Street Trail (A Land Reclamation Project)

The truth is, we're not exactly sure what this small 9 acres of land is.  We know it's part of a Green Acres site.  Some say it's part of land managed by FH Parks and Rec.  We know it's adjacent to the FH Brush Grinding Site.  We know it was covered with invasive species of various types.  We know part of the land is elevated and seems to have once been a dump for both the Boro and before that Lovett's Nursery.  And we know decades ago the land was covered with various species which Lovett's sold in their catalogs.

And here's the other thing we know...this small parcel has the potential to grow some beautiful trees for residents to enjoy some nature, fresh air, along with some peace and quiet.  But before that happens, we must reclaim this land.

Since our initial planting of 2 trees on April 24, 2022 we have planted 113 shade trees and 15 smaller understory plants.  We've removed tons of invasive species (including ailanthus and Norway maple trees, porcelain berry, oriental bittersweet, multi flora rose, English ivy, devil's walking stick, poison hemlock).  

Below is a list of the projects we've initiated since our start in April 2022.

Arbor Day

(April 26, 2024)

On Friday, April 26th we planted 62 more trees in the Third Street Trail area.  We took delivery of these trees late last November.   These are smaller (2' to 4') "bare root" trees.  Additionally, we protected the trees from the deer population with a 5 foot tall fence encircling each.  Once again, the entire project was funded by resident contribution...trees, fencing, and planting...all were done by the residents...not a penny of help from the Boro.

Here are the species of trees we planted:

Black Gum Tupelo


Chestnut Oak

Crab Apple



Norway Spruce

Quaking Aspen

The Hall Family (from Fair Haven), after planting their adopted Mulberry tree on Arbor Day 2024.

Volunteer Day

(February 4, 2024)

Thank you weather gods!!   A gorgeous day and a healthy 50+ volunteers came out to remove English Ivy and clean up the TSTFair Haven residents (along with some from Little Silver, Rumson, and Red Bank) continue to fight the "invasive removal" fight.  In the last 60 days we've lost 3 locust trees on the TST.  All 3 trees were covered in English Ivy.  But we're not giving up. 

A Dream Team of English Ivy Removers.

Tree Angels dressed in white...again!

Removing Ivy can make people smile.

Like clockwork, Brendan and Ben show up to help.

Teamwork as Jessie, Tracy, and Barbara remove ivy.

Dennis and Marti saved a tree from the strangling ivy.

Even kids in shorts and fancy shoes can remove ivy.

FH Fields Natural Area Chair Carolyn Ferguson.

Yes, it's true, dogs appreciate the TST progress.

Council Kristen Hoey finds time to remove ivy.

Volunteer Day

(December 3, 2023)

We did it, in spite of the rain.  A hearty crew of volunteers showed up and continued the much needed  improvement of the TST.  Additionally, we planted bare-root trees, funded by another resident donor as our original funding from the Fair Haven Environmental Commission was denied by the Boro (you can't make this stuff up...thank you for trying EC!!). 

Removing old discarded cement.  Incredible!!

Cleaning in the rain = fun

English Ivy must be removed to protect the trees.

Wearing white on a Volunteer Day?

Dr. Paul Ferguson...always working hard for Fair Haven.

Thumbs Up!!

Professional Tree Service

(June 19, 2023)

With a donation from a fellow tree-loving FH resident, we funded the removal of some large trees (some dead, some unhealthy, some non-native).  We had to remove these trees to help prepare the land for the newer native shade trees and understory we continue to plant.  We needed the BIG EQUIPMENT help from the muscle and expertise of a professional tree service company.

Removing Norway Maples, an invasive species.

Removing an old fallen tree which landed on a healthy Walnut tree in the Countryman's back yard.

Arbor Day

(Friday, April 28, 2023)

On Friday, April 28th we were part of what we hope is a new annual Fair Haven tradition...planting trees on Arbor Day.

We planted 20 trees along the Third Street Trail.  All the trees were adopted by Fair Haven residents.  Below are some of the pictures from the day.

The Spitz family's new Crabapple Tree

The Countryman's and their new Northern Red Oak

The Larsen Family helping prepare for the future

Arbor Day Tree Huggers

Clean-Up Day

(February 26, 2023)

The tree gods blessed us with beautiful weather and we had a tremendous turnout for our "Workout in the Woods."   

Over 80 volunteers (21 of them from the RFH Key Club) attended our 3 hour clean-up.  With assistance from the FH DPW (thank you Beau & Ross) and their Packer, we removed old dead trees, limbs, sticks, and garbage that had accumulated after decades of neglect.

Below are some of the special pictures we took.

Beau and Ross manned the 30 cubic yard Packer as strong FH adult residents loaded in the debris.  Over 100 yards of compacted debris was removed.

We had 7 designated "team leaders", like Sean Sullivan, guiding young residents through the dark arts of removing branches, invasives, and garbage.

Without the kids working, learning, and playing, the day wouldn't have been the same.  We need to keep the FH youth (and their muscle) involved.

The ultimate TRIFECTA, removing invasives, getting some exercise outdoors, HAVING FUN.  Bonnie and Sarah hitting on all 3!

RFH Key Club members Connor, Anna A., and Anna O. heading out to clean up a small area covered with cans bottles, and other garbage.   There was enough garbage to fill a bin and multiple large bags.  Many hands made the job light.

This "after" picture will never capture the results of what can happen when a small number of residents volunteer to help.  Come by the TST to see for yourselves the gem we've uncovered.

Volunteer Clean-Up Day

(December 11, 2022)

During the fall, the Fair Haven DPW dropped off over 100 yards of leaves into the Third Street Trail area.  These leaves needed to be spread before winter.  Additionally, there was lots of follow-up that needed to be done (protect the new trees from deer, remove more invasives from the area around the newly planted trees, general clean-up).

On this day we cleared out invasive vines, distributed leaves that had been dumped by the DPW, and planted a couple trees.  Bonnie Torcivia and her hard working grandson dig a hole for a new Linden tree.

Bob Dengler freeing a locust tree from years of invasive vine growth.

Kevin Medrow's Eagle Scout Project

(October 23, 2022)

Kevin's project (like Zoey's before him) involved the preparation and planting of shade trees along the Third Street Trail.  In total, Kevin's Team planted 35 trees.  All these were funded by individual families and organizations.

Lots of volunteers helped, including the planting of this Bur Oak as a memorial for Casey Taylor. 

Preparing for the Medrow Eagle Scout Project

(October 5, 2022)

In anticipation of the scheduled tree planting on October 23rd, a few volunteers helped out by planting a number of trees that were delivered early and needed to get planted.

Our First Big Planting

(May 25, 2022)

Eagle Scout candidate Zoey Arhanic helps coordinate the planting of 16 shade trees.

It was a beautiful afternoon with lots of help including Jack Privatera and his crew from Privatera's Nursery.

Volunteers digging holes for trees.

A flurry of activity in anticipation of tree delivery.

Preparing for Our First Big Planting

(May 2022)

Our first volunteer day included 2 volunteer residents (Dave & Mark) and 2 DPW employees (Ross & Beau).  We just tried to clear out the invasives from a  small area in anticipation of Zoe Arhanic Scout Project where 16 trees were planted.

Beau and Ross applied muscle and heavy-duty weed wackers.


May 14, 2022 (10:20 am)


May 14th (2:07 pm)

THe First 2 Trees

(April 24, 2022)

On Sunday, April 24, 2022 we planted two small Pin Oak trees along the Third Street Trail...just to see if they could survive this invasive infested area.