Bachelor of Arts Programs

Courses    Cilck here (2023)  
Cilck here (2018)  

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here (2023)

Cilck here (2018)  

Course Description   Cilck here (2023)

Cilck here (2018)

1.Master of Arts Program in Archeology


Archeology produces Archeological professionals and knowledge.


The Archeology program aims to produce professional graduates contributing to the nation’s cultural resources preservation and management.


Courses    Cilck here

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here 

Course Description   Cilck here 

2.Master of Arts Program in Art History


Studying arts leads to understanding of human history.


Handcrafts in Thailand have been created from religion beliefs, particularly from Buddhism inherited over a thousand years, but the conveying of knowledge has never been recorded. Thus, logical reasoning and suitable linking of knowledge data to other fields of study are needed to explain an art appreciation or an oral storytelling about artists.


1.Students and graduates have keen knowledge and understanding of ancient arts in Thailand and neighboring countries, in accordance with art history concept.

2.Students and graduates can organize their art history knowledge to conducting a study and a research and to apply the results to professional and academic development.

3.Students and graduates have a good awareness of art and history and ethically perform academic and professional duties.

Courses   Cilck here

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here 

Course Description   Cilck here 

3.Master of Arts Program in Anthropology


Knowledge and understanding on diverse societies and cultures lead to the making of a sustainable and healthy society with awareness of human dignity.


Anthropology Program studies human to understand self and others. Its focus on culture multiplicity contributes to accepting diversity and appreciating society and culture in a local context. Anthropology courses can be profitable for students to work with communities, societies and public.


1.To produce graduates with knowledge base of concepts and research methodology in Anthropology to develop research skills and competencies.

2.To reinforce graduates’ positive habits of mind to accept the existence of social diversity affected by globalization both in Thailand and worldwide in order to build a learning society where different types of wisdom are recognized and community rights are honored.

3.To produce graduates able to apply anthropological knowledge in organizational or institutional careers and to utilize it for country development.

4.To equip students to become moral and ethical graduates.

Courses   Cilck here

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here 

Course Description   Cilck here 

4.Master of Arts Program in Sanskrit Studies


Inherit and integrate the knowledge of Sanskrit Studies


The program aims to equip graduates to expertise in Archeology and to develop potential for the promotion, development, preservation and management of national cultural heritage in order to deliver sustainable advantage for education, societies, economy and national security.


1.To produce moral postgraduates following ethical codes.

2.To provide postgradutes expertising in critical reading and conducting research on Sanskrit literature.

3.Postgraduates are capable of integrating Sanskrit Studies with other fields of study.

Courses   Cilck here

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here 

Course Description   Cilck here 

5.Master of Arts Program in Thai and Oriental Epigraphy


Study and develop the knowledge of Epigraphic Studies


The Master of Arts program in Thai and Oriental Epigraphy is Thailand’s only master degree courses where the emphasis is on learning and research in Epigraphy and Ancient Documents. Furthermore, the curriculum focuses on learning and studying different languages relating to the foundation of Thai language and culture, i.e, Pali, Sanskrit, Khmer, and Tai languages spoken in and outside Thailand, through the knowledge integration.


1.To provide moral postgraduates following educational and professional ethics, expertising in reading, translating, analyzing and conducting research on inscriptions and ancient texts written in Thai, oriental languages or Southeast Asian languages containing specific letters, and having proficiency in languages and cultures of ASEAN countries.

Courses   Cilck here

Curriculum Structure  Cilck here 

Course Description   Cilck here 

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