Extemporaneous Speech

The competitor answers a given question based on recent events in the news.  The student has 30 minutes of prep time to prepare a 7 minute (maximum) speech on one topic that they choose from the three topics given or questions given specifically to that student. Students cannot use the Internet during the prep time.  

During a tournament, a student will give three speeches - one for each of the three speech rounds.  There are three broad categories for extemporaneous questions - one for each round. These three categories of extemporaneous topics/questions are economic issues, domestic issues (USA), and international issues

Most students purchase a software that they load on their laptop that automatically downloads and files news articles.  Extemp Genie (https://extempgenie.com/) is $35 a year. Prepd (https://prepd.in/) is $25 a year.

During the speech, students may use one 3" X 5" card prepared during prep time. 

How to Cite Your Sources

Here is a good video that gives some creative ideas to verbally cite your sources during your speech!

Good Event for Debaters

If you like parliamentary debate, this is a good event for you!

Examples of Stoa Extemporaneous Speeches are given at the bottom of this page as well as a free offer for 30 minutes of extemp coaching prior to your first tournament and some videos about how to use Extemp Genie.

Click below to view the Rules or Ballot:

Rules for Extemporaneous for 2023-2024

Ballot for Extemporaneous for 2023-2024

Prep Time Expectations for Extemporaneous 2023-2024

Helpful Tips about How to Generally Structure Your Extemporaneous Speech from Steve Barth:

The above video contains general information on how to structure a speech.  The gentleman giving the speech is a coach for a different league but gives very good information. Below are a few things to add:

Below is a Video Giving Hints about Extemporaneous Speaking

The above video is about the Extemporaeous Speaking event in another league.  Below are some of the corrections to the video in light of the Stoa rules:

Helps for Verbally Citing Sources:

During an extemporaneous speech, a student will need to quote information, studies, or statistics and their sources.  Here is a good video that gives some creative ways to verbally cite sources. Also here is the Stoa Guidelines on How to Cite Your Sources.  

How to Use Extemp Genie

Offer for Free Extemp Speaking Coaching Prior to Your First Ever Extemp Competition.  See Video Below!

If you sign up for extemp at an NCFCA or Stoa tournament for the first time ever, email us at newenglanddebate@gmail.com and you'll get a free 30 minute coaching session! 

Speech Helps 

Lasting Impact!  Membership is $35 a year and gives you access to over 300 articles about speech, more videos about how to do different events, ask a coach feature where you can ask specific questions, and a discount online classes like Extemp Round Table, which happens on Fridays beginning November 18th.