Parliamentary Debate

Parliamentary debate, which is based on the British parliament, is a fun, impromptu debate between 2 person teams.  The topic for the debate is different for each of the six debate rounds.  Teams have 20 minutes to research and prepare for the round using the Internet, friends, parents, other debaters, etc.

However, only notes handwritten by the debaters themselves can be used in the debate.  The debate is fairly short lasting only 38 minutes for a round. 

Topics for the debate can be serious like “The United States Federal Government should abolish the postal system” or could be light hearted like “Obi-Wan should not have allowed himself to be killed” or something in between like “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

Click here for the Parli Rules for 2023-2024  

Click here for the Parli Ballot for 2023-2024 

Example of a Parlimentary Debate

The parliamentary debate finals of the National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC) in 2013.  My son claims this is the best ever parli debate.  The sound is not the best.  The debate starts at 11:30.

Basics of Parli Debate by Isaiah McPeak - Video Series

Videos are 15 to 7 minutes long

For more helpful videos on topics like 4 Point Refutation, Being Credible in your Debate Speeches, Being Persuasive in your Debate Speeches, and Isaiah McPeak's Unified Debate Theory, look under the "Lincoln Douglas" tab on this website.