Extension: the story

plan of church with proposed extension to the north
logo: St Botolph's Church, Burton Hastings with Stretton Baskerville

This site shows the progress towards the extension of St Botolph's church Burton Hastings. 

In addition there are links on how to give and to St Botolph's JustGiving page. 

The extension, view from the west showing the door. Photo taken in the evening.

Spring 2022

The extension is now complete! 

Past the point of no return

The north doorway, once blocked, is now opened again


Starting to dig the foundations

The crib situated in front of the North door. (This entrance is scheduled to become unblocked in 2021.
This may be the last time the crib will be situated in front of the blocked north doorway, as it was pictured in Epiphany 2021. 

Christmas 2020

We've started!

It was agreed by all involved to complete the building work towards the extension in two phases. 

The first phase was the groundwork for the extension. This was started in late Autumn 2020 and was completed on schedule. 

There will be a pause over winter and the second phase is planned to start in Spring 2021. 

Easter 2020 - update

Just to let you know that, as a result of lots of prayer and generosity from people and organisations, Burton Hastings Parochial Church Council has reached its target .... thank you. 

Before the Coronavirus pandemic hit the UK, the PCC agreed on a builder. Given the circumstances, we are not sure when work can start but we hope that it may be later this year. 

What happened 

What we had done so far - to 2017 - included getting a Faculty for the extension.

We couldn't go any further as we had insufficient funds. So we:


What we needed for the build project 

April 2020

Happy to report that we are there!  

December 2019 - update

An appeal (appeal letter (PDF) - web version) was distributed to people who attended the services at Christmas time. Burton Hastings PCC’s application to The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust was successful. 

30 September 2019 - update 

Many applications have been made to funding bodies. Burton Hastings PCC’s application to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme was successful. Following an application just before last Christmas, the PCC received a wonderful gift from the Garfield Weston Foundation, a family-founded grant making Trust. Since then we have been successful in receiving positive responses from Beatrice Laing Trust, Laslett’s Charities and Allchurches Trust and this month from Bernard Sunley Foundation and the Diocese of Coventry 's Church Improvements Fund. We’ve also received many generous donations, promises and legacies from local people. 

In January 2019, based on estimates, we were nearly in reach of our extension target. Shortly after, we decided to go to tender. However, we have been disappointed as the figures that we received were much higher than anticipated. 

We continue to apply to grant holders and relevant charities for funds; recently two more have been sent.