Past Events

A Magical Family Christmas 2018

Wednesday 19th December

Magical entertainment and a visit from Santa

Thank you to all; those who bedecked the church, preparing it for this event and clearing away afterwards, all who organised and contributed ...and to the audience!

A Magical Family Christmas...

Skittles Evening 2018

Friday 9th November

Held at Wolvey Bowling Club

Yet another successful skittles evening. Thank you to all involved in the organisation of this event and to all who attended and made it successful!

Art Alert: Open Arts Trail 2018

Saturday and Sunday 22nd and 23rd September

This annual event, which showcases artists and makers in and around Nuneaton and North Warwickshire, had a venue at Burton Hastings this year.

Donations received in lieu of refreshments went towards the extension for St Botolph's. Thank you to all who supported this event.

Open Arts Trail

Open Arts Trail logo

Tesco Bags of Help Summer 2018

Our application to the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme was successful and this project was put forward to a customer vote in Tesco stores during July and August 2018.

More about Tesco bags of help ...

Fashion Show 2018

Fundraising Fashion Show and Shopping Event

Saturday July 28th at Wolvey Village Hall

The Fashion Show was a great success! Many thanks to the models and organisers, to all who attended and to all who were unable to go but who made a donation.

Events 2017

Some of the events that took place in 2017 are listed below.

Bric-a-brac stall

Bring and buy

Saturday 25th March at St Botolph's Church, Burton Hastings

Thank you to all who supported this event.

old image of a rabbit tolling church bells

Full Peal

Saturday 8th April 9.30am, Burton Hastings

Many thanks to the bellringers for their energy, dedication and donations.

small garden with stones and rock plants

Stainer's Crucifixion

Maundy Thursday at St Botolph's

Many thanks to all involved in this wonderful performance.

King Richard the third

Uncle Richard

Saturday 3rd June at Wolvey Village Hall

Tell Tale Theatre Company have some theories about Richard III...

Huge thanks to Tell Tale Theatre for their excellent production. Thank you also to the audience who participated with gusto!

Uncle Richard...

Musical Concert

Saturday 2nd September at St Botolph's

A packed church with just enough room for the performers! Thank you for sharing your talents, your support and your help.

Musical Concert ...

Skittles Evening

Friday 10th November

Held at Wolvey Bowling Club

Another successful skittles evening. Thank you to all involved in the organisation of this event and to all who attended and made it so!

A Children's Christmas Carol

Thursday 14th December

This was a wonderful inspiring Christmas event for children and their parents/carers and everyone else too! Thank you all.

A Children's Christmas Carol gallery ...


Events will also be publicised from our Twitter stream which you can see from St Botolph's website homepage