A Magical Family Christmas

19th December 2018

What better way to get into the spirit of Christmas...

'A Magical Family Christmas' was an evening of magic, fun and laughter for adults and children.

At St Botolph's Church in Burton Hastings there was a refreshment stall, cake sale, pocket money stall, competitions for adults and children and amazing prizes. There was a spectacular magic show from an established well known family magician. Then there was a special visit from Santa who sang Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with everyone and spent time chatting with the children.

The event was a sell out!

The following comments about the event were heard afterwards...

  • "a great success"
  • "the church was packed"
  • "Jayne went to great trouble with the decorations"

Well done to all who contributed to this spectacular event.