Welcome! I am Amit Kuber, a mathematician working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur. During Masters studies at University of Pune and University of Cambridge, I developed interest in combinatorics, category theory and topos theory.  Later I applied some of these techniques to solve some problems on the interface of model theory and K-theory during my PhD at University of Manchester under the supervision of Prof. Mike Prest.

My current research interests lie in the combinatorial apsects of representation theory of string algebras. My long-term interests are foundational areas like category theory and logic, especially model theory, but as an admirer of symmetry, analogy and generalisation, I am open to working on any topic that interests me. I enjoy students' company. I have taught variety of courses and supervised a number of projects on variety of topics ranging from Pokémon to K-theory. I believe that the ability to present mathematics (in written and oral) is as important as understanding it and producing new results. I love giving talks and an extensive list of my talks can be found here. The list of my publications can be found here. My email id is askuber at iitk dot ac dot in and my institute webpage can be found here.

Announcement: Interested students will soon be able to enrol for my NPTEL MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on Category Theory starting in July 2024. 

The works and philosophy of Alexander Grothendieck has always been a guiding light for me.

“It's to that being inside of you who knows how to be alone, it is to this infant that I wish to speak, and no-one else. I'm well aware that this infant has been considerably estranged. It's been through some hard times, and more than once over a long period. It's been dropped off Lord knows where, and it can be very difficult to reach. One swears that it died ages ago, or that it never existed - and yet I am certain it's always there, and very much alive.” 

Alexander Grothendieck