
Directions: Follow the steps below to complete the Explore unit. By the time you are done with this unit, you should have a deeper appreciation for various applications and you should learn some new tools.

1. Look at this presentation to see what you will be able to create.

2. Create a folder called Explore somewhere safe on your computer.

3. Download the checklist and explore doc so you can edit the in Google Drive. You can view the checklist and explore documents before downloading.

4. Watch the Explore video to fully understand the steps of this lesson.

5. Look at all the examples so you understand the capabilities of each application.

6. Explore at least 4 different videos from 4 different applications and fill out the explore document. (Read the directions for clarification) You can view the how-to-videos on the Applications page.

7. Once you explore at least a total of 4 different how to videos from 4 different applications from the Applications section, commit to creating at least 2 projects.

8. Depending on what application you choose to explore, you need to watch the video of the application on the Watch First page. For example, if you want to do Soundation, you must watch the video Soundation on the Watch First page to help you get started.

9. Once you have created 2 or more products, visit the Presentation page so you can understand how to add them to the PowerPoint presentation.