Science ExplanaJam 2025 

What is ExplanaJam?

CSUN Science Learning Colaboratory is looking for students to explain science phenomena. We are holding a contest to see who can do the best explanations. 

Win Prizes just for talking! 3 Minutes Maximum

Each class holds its own explanation contest with the top three students moving on to the final competition.*

Registration - link coming soon

Check out the Contest Rules and the Prizes (new special prize for microplastics)

* Each teacher makes the rules for their own class and submits up to 3 for the judging

short link to this page -

Want to help support ExplanaJam?Support our CSUN Fund

Want Inspiration? Check out videos from past winners

Teacher information meeting on April 10th - register here

Here's a sneak peek of some of this years prizes! 

Contest Timeline:

March 8 - Registration Open

April-May - Students make their videos. Classes pick top 3.

May 22 - Submission Portal Opens (Teachers submit top 3 in their classes)

May 31 - Last day for teachers to submit top 3 videos

June 6 - Winners Announced 

What is A Phenomena?

To be eligible for the prizes an explanation must identify and explain a science phenomena. But what is a phenomena?

Explain your phenomena by answering the question - Why does this happen?

Herr's video: What is a phenomenon  [5:01]

Herr's video: Collecting videos of student explanations in FlipGrid [5:28]

ExplanaJam is sponsored by the CSUN Science Learning Colaboratory - a regional site of the CA Science Project

and by donors to the CSUN Fund page - thank you!