Science ExplanaJam 2025
What is ExplanaJam?
CSUN Science Learning Colaboratory is looking for students to explain science phenomena. We are holding a contest to see who can do the best explanations.
Win Prizes just for talking! 3 Minutes Maximum
Each class holds its own explanation contest with the top three students moving on to the final competition.*
Registration - link coming soon
Check out the Contest Rules and the Prizes (new special prize for microplastics)
* Each teacher makes the rules for their own class and submits up to 3 for the judging
short link to this page -
Want Inspiration? Check out videos from past winners
Teacher information meeting on April 10th - register here
Here's a sneak peek of some of this years prizes!
Contest Timeline:
March 8 - Registration Open
If registering multiple classes (periods), fill out the form separately for each one
Deadline to register classes - April 25
April-May - Students make their videos. Classes pick top 3.
May 22 - Submission Portal Opens (Teachers submit top 3 in their classes)
May 31 - Last day for teachers to submit top 3 videos
June 6 - Winners Announced
What is A Phenomena?
To be eligible for the prizes an explanation must identify and explain a science phenomena. But what is a phenomena?
Natural phenomena are observable events that occur in the universe and that we can use our science knowledge to explain or predict. The goal of building knowledge in science is to develop general ideas, based on evidence, that can explain and predict phenomena.
Explain your phenomena by answering the question - Why does this happen?
Herr's video: What is a phenomenon [5:01]
Herr's video: Collecting videos of student explanations in FlipGrid [5:28]
ExplanaJam is sponsored by the CSUN Science Learning Colaboratory - a regional site of the CA Science Project
and by donors to the CSUN Fund page - thank you!