Hack-a-thon Events
Kick-Off Events
To prepare scientists to participate in the Challenge, two special events were held: a 2-day Tutorial and Hack Day at the Flatiron Institute in New York City on October 16&17, and a 1-day Tutorial in Tokyo on October 20 preceding the “In the Spirit of Lyot 2019” conference.
The tutorials covered:
The WFIRST CGI and Starshade data format, specificities and observing scenarios
The Hybrid Lyot and star-shade coronagraphs
Extracting faint sources with PSF subtraction/more advanced algorithms
Discriminating eventual background sources using parallax and proper motion
Finding orbital solutions from two to six imaging epochs throughout the mission as well as simulated radial velocity (RV) data
Determining physical parameters of any found exoplanet(s) using all the available information (astrometry, photometry)
Both the NYC and Tokyo events allowed participants to work with a full set of state-of-the-art simulated CGI and Star shade data, plus pre-cursor RV data for participants to develop their ability to extract and characterize planets. Participants were invited to form teams and had access to a comprehensive simulated data set with tutorial material, tools for analysis, regular tele/videocons, and a slack channel for questions and collaboration.
The October 16&17 Flatiron event included tutorials, working hack sessions, and a special trip to the Hayden Planetarium for a dome presentation built around Gaia astrometric data. TRAVEL SUPPORT: Partial travel support was available for the Flatiron event. These funds were intended for early career participants who also commit to the full 2019 Data Challenge.
October 20th 2019
The Data Challenge Follow-up event in Tokyo prior the "In Spirit of Lyot 2019" conference (room information to be updated).
Note: For those who may want to attend both NY and Tokyo events, there are a number of non-stop flights from New York City (all airport including EWR) to Tokyo (all airports including NRT).
Agenda for this day: 10am - 5pm
October 16-17th 2019
New York City
The Data Challenge Kick-off will be on October 16-17th at the Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics. There we will be presentation of the data, tutorials, incentives, etc. The Data Challenge will close on December 20th, 2019.
A limited number of partial financial support grants to attend this event will be available to early career participants who register for the Data Challenge . To apply for funding, please use the optional section at the end of the form to tell us about your motivations, previous experience, and whether you are interested in participating as part of a team.
Check the agenda and ask Julien Girard (jgirard@stsci.edu) is you desire to call in. We'll have a Zoom connection during both mornings.
Hackathon #2 @ IPAC June 24-25 2019
This second hackathon will take place at IPAC on June 24-25, 2019, the week after the Science in Our Own Backyard workshop . It is targeted in particular for the South Cal/Cal community but if you are are in the region, feel free to attend/contact us. The event will be held in room 410 of IPAC's Keith building. There is no hotel code, but Hotel Constance is only 15 minute walk.
Hackathon #1 @STScI March 18-19 2019
We had a nice first hackathon with 10 to 15 people from institutions of the East Coast. Participants worked on different aspects of our DC's tutorial data set: point source extraction, orbital fitting. All got acquainted with the WFIRST/CGI/HLC simulated data.