Student-Led Book Talks

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Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel

Review by Avery McClellan, grade 8

Faceless is about a girl names Maise Winters who was in an electrical fire while out for a run one morning. One day, she wakes up in the hospital with no clue why. Maise slowly puts the pieces together on why she's there. She suffered terrible burns all across her face. When she finally gets out of the hospital, she suffers with school, friendships, and ever her own relationship. She goes through all the stages of "mourning" the parts of her old face.

I liked pretty much everything about this book but the things I liked the most were how easy of a read it is and how it was written very well. It was also a really descriptive book and was overall just a great read! I really recommend it!!

Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee

Review by Trinity Bast, grade 8

For Mila, a 7th grader, it starts with some boys giving her an unwanted hug on the school blacktop. A few days later, at recess, one of the boys, Callum, tells Mila it's his birthday and asks her for a "birthday hug." He's just being friendly, isn't he? And how can she say no? But Callum's hug lasts a few seconds too long and feels . . . weird. According to her friend, Zara, Mila is being immature and overreacting. Doesn't she know what flirting looks like?

But the boys don't leave Mila alone. On the bus. In the halls. During band practice--the one place Mila could always escape to. It doesn't feel like flirting--so what is it? Thanks to a chance meeting, Mila begins to find solace in a new place: karate class. Slowly, with the help of a classmate, Mila learns how to stand her ground and how to respect others and herself.

This was a really good book!