Gérard Debreu Plenary Lecture

Since 2003, the workshop includes an invited plenary lecture in honor of Gerard Debreu, presented by a distinguished scholar in fields related to general equilibrium theory. Previous Debreu Lectures were given by: Leonid Hurwicz (2003), Werner Hildenbrand (2004), Graciela Chichilnisky (2005), David Cass (2006), Andreu Mas-Colell (2007), Roger Guesnerie (2008), Roy Radner (2009), David Schmeidler (2010), Herakles Polemarchakis (2011), Yves Balasko (2012), M. Ali Khan (2013), Edward C. Prescott (2014), Nicholas Yannelis (2015), Michael Magill and Martine Quinzii (2016), Bill Zame (2017), John Geanakoplos (2018), Chris Shannon (2019), Robert Aumann (2021), and Bernard Cornet (2023).