Economic Theory Plenary Talk

Since 2007, in addition to the Gérard Debreu Plenary Lecture, the Workshop also includes an invited plenary lecture on topics in economic theory. These Economic Theory Lectures have so far been given by Jean-François Mertens (2007), Michele Boldrin (2008), Egbert Dierker (2009), Edward C. Prescott (2010), Nicholas Yannelis (2011), Felix Kubler (2012), Egbert Dierker (2013), Aloisio Araujo (2014), Bernard Cornet (2015), Yves Sprumont (2016), Salvador Barberà (2017), Myrna Wooders (2018), Konrad Podczeck (2019), Jean-Jacques Herings (2021), Jan Werner (2022), Emma Moreno-Garcia (2023),  and David Levine  (2023).