EWCN Prize

Winners for 2019

Silvia Seghezzi

“Modulating the Sense of Agency in the human brain: an fMRI-guided TMS study.”

Silvia Seghezzi is a PhD Student in Clinical Neuroscience at the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca. Her main research interest concerns the intentional motor process, with particular reference to the study of the motor intention, the sense of agency (i.e. the ability to recognize that we are the actors of our behavior and its consequences) and the action awareness more in general. Particularly, during the last two years, the main focus of her research activity has been the study of the neurofunctional correlates of sense of agency, by combining behavioral, neuroimaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI), brain-stimulation (transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS) and meta-analytical techniques. External Link

EWCN2019-Abstract-Action & Executive functions-Seghezzi-Silvia.pdf

Javier Sanchez-Lopez

"Dissociation of perceptual awareness and attention in hemianopic patients: hemispheric differences"

Javier Sanchez-Lopez was born in Mexico where obtained the degree in Psychology and the PhD in Behavioral Neurosciences from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico with a dissertation on the study of the brain electrical correlates of selective attention and expertise. Currently he is a Post-doc researcher in an ERC project aimed to the study of Perceptual Awareness and Brain Reorganization headed by Prof. Carlo Marzi at University of Verona in Italy. Javier Sanchez is now studying unconscious perceptual and cognitive processing (e.g. discrimination, attention, memory) in hemianopic patients by means of electroencephalographic and neuroimaging techniques. His main research field and interest is related to visual processing, consciousness and brain reorganization in damaged brains. External links: 1, 2

EWCN2019-Abstract-Attention & Space-Sanchez-Lopez-Javier.pdf

Davide Momi

"Cognitive enhancement by means of network-targeted cortico-cortical associative brain stimulation"

Davide Momi is a PhD student currently working at the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences at the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti. Following graduation, he was an intern at the Brain Investigation and Neuromodulation Laboratory (Si-BIN Lab) at the University of Siena. Starting 2016-2017, he has been working at The Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Boston (MA) at Harvard University under the supervision of Prof. Alvaro Pascual-Leone and Dr. Emiliano Santarnecchi. Currently, his main interests cover the feasibility to integrate multimodal neuroimaging techniques as well as electrophysiological approaches to optimize NIBS applications in both pathological and healthy aging. External links

EWCN2019-Abstract-Fluid Intelligence-Momi-Davide.pdf