The New EWCN Prize

The "New EWCN Prize"

Dead-line for abstract submission for the Prize: October 31st.

A prize is given to 2 Ph.D. students / young PostDocs* 

authors of the best ranked abstracts. 

The  prize involves  a sum equivalent to the usual junior registration fee (€ 220).

The prize will be given in a ceremony on  Monday 22nd of January 2024.

The winners are expected to give  a 10' presentation of their  data in  a slot between 

the first and the second Monday Lecture.

Winners of previous years

Are eligible for the prize only those who submitted their abstract by the 31st  October and accept to give the oral presentation on the Monday afternoon session.

The Steering Committee identifies a short-list  of  candidates for the Prize on the basis of the scientific quality of the abstract  submitted to the Workshop.^.

The final selection is made after the assessment of a longer version of the original abstracts by the members of the Steering Committee 

**  We define as young Post-doc  those in their 1st or 2nd year of contract.

^Only members of the Steering Committee without conflict of interest with the candidates do take part to de final selection.