Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

emergency service accessibility

Welcome to my page! My name is Megdalyn Loesch, and I am a current student at Everett community college. I have taken many courses that have extended my view of what diversity, equality and equity mean. Through these courses there are many things that have opened my eyes noticing that there needs to be changes for everyone to be treated equally and get the same opportunities. My hope for the future is work in researching, connecting with communities and people, and making sure that spaces/communities are accessible for everyone. 

There is never a cookie cutter person in a community and its never right to assume anything about who a person is or what defines them. One person in a community isn't going to present the same as another person in the community and that's the beauty of it, everyone is unique. I strive for everyone to be supported no matter how they present and make sure they get the same access as everyone else.