Other campuses 

Below are examples of other University's and schools that have accommodations or systems that are worked to accommodate to the Deaf and hard of hearing community. When comparing EvCC campus to these campuses that's how I figured out what the best course of action would be and what resources work best. Going forward there are plans to introduce and alter some of the systems on campus. 

University of washington 

UW is a primarily hearing campus that has upon request accommodations for the Deaf and hard of hearing. Their main accommodations that are to note are their media outlets and information outlets for emergency notifications. As well as their rooms that are equipped with light systems to signal alarms, doorbells and more. 

Rochester school for the deaf

Rochester is an only a Deaf and hard of hearing school that ranges ages from newborn to age 21. They have accommodations and systems such as a security number with both call and text options that is available 24/7. As well as buzzing/flashing lights that are connected to their alarms, drills and doorbell systems. 

gallaudet university

Gallaudet is a primarily Deaf and hard of hearing population with a minor population of hearing students. The campus is equipped with light systems to signal alarms, doorbells and more. The campus also has TV and media interruptions that send out notifications in emergencies for immediate updates.