Capstone Journey 

This project was a passion project with the goal of seeing change on campus and in the community so that more people can be supported with the services offered. My passion and realization of this issue happened in 2022 when I was in my ASL class with Linda Bontrager at EvCC. There was a lockdown on campus because there was a threat that was nearby. That was the day that the community lost Dan Rocha too soon from a fatal shooting, but his memory continues to make an impact. 

When we were told to go into a lockdown it was communicated though audio relay. And as new ASL students we were struggling and panicking to communicate what was going on and where to go from there. After that I had thought it was concerning that there wasn't more information and easier access to emergency services in the moment. Especially if that were to happen and there wasn't proper communication it could have been and can be life threatening. 

From there I had found something I was passionate about that I thought I could really make a change in for the better. I was able to work with a group of amazing people who saw and desired the same change that I wanted. Working with Simone Tarver, Jim Sande, and Vickie Fontaine from the Everett mayor's office who provided me with great feedback and resources that are accessible city-wide and supporting me throughout my endeavors. I also worked with Lacey Shoemaker who's the assistant director of emergency management and health/safety at EvCC and Susanne Weatherly who is the director of equal opportunity and title IX programs at EvCC. They were able to give me great information regarding the systems used on campus and how my goals can be accomplished. 

There were many challenges that I faced, mainly internal. Figuring out how to make changes to something that takes a lot of time and effort in such a short amount of time. figuring out hiring interpreters for the event that we held to do our presentations of our final projects. I worked on my project through researching what other campuses do/have and how they work with their population. This project blossomed by interest in analyzing and altering spaces, so they are accommodating to everyone and safe in the face of danger/hazard.