Brune's Wish List

  1. Zip Ties

  2. Gallons of White Primer Paint

  3. Gallons of Black Paint

  4. Electrical Tape

  5. Cardstock in any Color

  6. Colored Paper - All Colors

  7. AA & AAA Batteries

  8. Expo Markers

  9. Hangers

  10. Sewing Needles

  11. Thread

  12. Buttons

  13. Make-Up Sponges

  14. Make-Up Remover Wipes

  15. Command Hooks

  16. Black Sharpie Markers

  17. Canned Air

  18. Goo Gone

  19. Mirrors for Dressing Rooms

  20. Medical Tape for Microphone

  21. Fog Juice for Fog Machines

  22. Hot Glue Sticks (all sizes)

  23. Set of 4 Walkie Talkies

  24. Label Maker

  25. Clorox Wipes

  26. Vinegar (to clean lighting fixtures)

  27. Kleenex

  28. Safety Pins