The Istituto Comprensivo “Leonardo Da Vinci”, islocated in Somma Lombardo (Varese), a small townsituated in the North West of Italy. It has got 9 different Schools comprehending Nursery(4 schools), Primary(4 Schools) and lowersecondary school (1 School); total students number is about 1300.

Its peculiarity is given by the International Malpensa airport, which sets the economic and social growth flows of the surrounding territory.

Most of the attending students live in the centre of Somma Lombardo, but students are also coming from other small towns nearby. In recent years there has been a considerable increase in children whose families come from foreign countries,with different characteristics.Volunteer, cultural or sporting activities, entrepreneurs and traders,individual citizens with specific skills interact positively with the School, offering free educational opportunities or experiences to pupils. The presence of a substantial number of non-Italian students offers the opportunity for a comparison between different cultures, supported by projects and intercultural initiatives proposed to the whole institute.

Our school has been experiencing for the last three years a new methodology in a tablet course classroom: the methodology of "Blended Learning", that is, "mixedlearning" using techniques from the traditional lesson to Cooperative Learning through the laboratorymethodology of the "Flipped Classroom" (inverted class), depending on the work to be done and thecollective and / or individual need of the learner.

A virtual friendship is going on with Cambodian students.

Every different year the school proposes to the students several projects, on differentsubjects. These projects belong to the Three years Training Offer Plan (Piano triennale dell’Offerta Formativa) named PTOF.