P.A.C.E.M.:Peaceful Actresses in Classical European Mythology

We are 5 centres from Spain, France and Italy and we intend to use classical and modern languages as a language of communication by exchanging letters and recording videos. We investigate the female characters of classical theatre to get closer to Greek literature, mythology and civilisation, and their survival until today, establishing links between the struggles of ancient and modern women against violence and war. We carry out collaborative activities related to the "Festival Européen Latin Grec" on the Aeneid, held in March 2023: In particular, a video on the heroine Dido.  Theatre students take part, some learnt Ancient Greek and Latin, all modern languages like English, French or Spanish, they work in transnational teams and create collaborative products like video games, ebook, virtual museum... to share what they discover together. A theatrical performance "The Forests of Nyx" will  complemente what they learned.

eBook of our collaborative researches: Women against war in classical mythology and theater. 

The Aeneid is in the spotlight and we are going to read the 4th book which puts a woman in the spotlight : Dido.

The pupils of the different classes share the reading of this book.

Modern and Ancient Women: same fights?

Read  the description in the DigiPad. 

Choose a modern heroine  and write a comment.

Collaborative Exhibition against war

Finale collaborative product: a virtual gallery