The "Odyssey of words" still continues...

The " Odyssey of Words" still continues...

The "Odyssey of Words", launched three years ago, is still going on. Our common linguistic heritage is enormous and awaits us to explore it. Will Odysseus arrive in Ithaca this year?

We joined the project last year and it was a success.This year, it was even better!!!.

Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain

Words matter poster

A gift from our Greek partners . It contains poems written by the students using the word "words".

Students' evaluation word cloud

Etwinning and T.E.R.R.A. project

Summary of the project

The final collaborative products. congratulations to the Italian students who were very active and creative. Well done!!!

Music against corona virus

It is impossible to forget the terrible moments when we stayed at home and our lives changed. This is one of the activities of the project: "Music against corona virus "

Teachers' evaluation

foto di John Hain da Pixabay