Acoustic Build

Day 5 - Morning

Beginning the day with a legit "Acoustic Guitar-Shaped Object"

The day begins with AGSO being moved to the work table. The bridge gluing clamp assembly and the painters' tape were removed in preparation of fine tuning the neck in accordance with "The Taylor Method."

Demo-Installing and leveling the neck-bridge

'... according to 'the Taylor Method'."

Demo: Adjusting the neck prior to the installation of the strings

Demo: Installation of the strings into the Taylor-style bridge and securing with the bridge pins

"Get into the groove."

Demo: String winding using "The Taylor Method"

Tyler also demonstrated "The Tyler Method" which was actually his dad's method but Tyler showed us... so there.


New! for Late Summer 2019: Truss Rod Slot Covers

Thanks, gentlemen. My slot was really ugly and I had not really had time to pretty it up.

After installing strings (pinning and winding) as well as the two strap buttons and the strap...

"Well, hello there, beautiful."

"I always wanted to grow up and become a real guitar "


Last Page!

Demo: Measuring Action/String Height at the 12th Fret

Demo: Filing the nut slots to achieve proper string height and action

What ugly truss rod slot?

Measuring String Action at the 12th Fret

Filling the nut slots to achieve proper string action

Now, they are all hollering at us to grab our guitars and head outside for the obligatory finished guitars group photo...