Acoustic Build

Day 2-Afternoon

Guess what?

More sanding and gluing and drilling and gluing and sawing and sanding.

After lunch, the partial sound box (glued up side assembly and braced bottom) was removed from the gobar deck and...


How could this happen?!?!?

Oh, here's how it happened...

The side assembly was held within the BBT Mold and the bottom was glued to the side assembly in the down position (on the 25 foot radiused based). So I missed seeing the slippage and/or misalignment.


Did I hear "Binding Demo" tomorrow?

Completing the Sound Box...

The partial soundbox was placed back into the BBT Mold and the spreader reinstalled and—carefully—snugged up. After gluing the top-side kerfing, the braced top was then centered on the 25 foot radius base and the partial soundbox/BBT mold unit and the smaller diameter and shorter lengths gobars applied to the halo ring to secure the sound box.

Note the array of clamps on the heel/tail of the guitar. This was done to pull up the back end of the braced edge to close the visible gap.

Another way of closing the gap...

Just scrape up a few of these up...

One last thing...

The ebony fret boards were handed out in the afternoon session. After laying out the fret dots, holes were centerpunched and drilled (letter 'D' bit) and pre-cut maple fret dot plugs were superglued into place. After a few minutes, the excess was removed with a flush cut saw.

Note the careful placement of the support hand with fingers hiding behind the uncut fret dots. #WeLearnFromOurMistakes

OK. The last fret dots were sawed flush around 4:50 p.m. Let's call it a day.