Learning in a Time of Crisis

What is a crisis?

A crisis in this Open Educational Resource is defined as scenarios that would prevent learners from acceessing normal education. There are four different categories:


The COVID -19 pandemic in 2020 forced educational institutions to close its doors and migrate learning through an online setting. As lockdown restrictions eased around the world, educational institutions had to transition into a hybrid classroom environment to work around social distancing rules. 


Around the world, natural disasters happen. Whether it be an earthquake, typhoon, or volcanic erruptions, learning is interrupted because students cannot physically come to school. Learners also have to deal with the aftermath of a calamity. Commonly, school buildings are destroyed and there is not enough infrastructure to support learning. 


Learners can also experience accidents which blocks their ability to attend a face - to - face classroom setting. They may be physically unable to attend classes or their schools may not have the proper infrastructure to accomodate their injury. For example, the lack of an elevator to transport a student to their room.

Personal and Professional commitments

Learners have a life outside of school. For adult learners, they may have a family to take care of. On top of that, they also have work commitments that they have to fulfil. Juggling family, work, and their educational pursuits is a hard task to balance.

From crisis to learning

For educational professionals, the challenge is turning crisis into something that students can easily adapt and thrive in. 

This Open Educational Resource will focus on the following aspects: