Challenges and Future Potential

Challenges with Hyflex 

Beatty (2021) discussed some of the challenges below:

Mobile and Open Hybrid Learning Challenges

One particular challenge with using mobile devices in hybrid learning, or any educational context, is that there is currently more focus on adapting content to mobile devices, than actual consideration of pedagogy (EDUCAUSE, 2011).

Similarly, when it comes to open learning, we always assume access alone would ensure quality education, when that is not the case. There is a lack of focus on pedagogy in massive open learning environment as well. In addition, open learning has certain requirements that are different from traditional learning. For example, students need to be much more competent in self-learning, motivation and time management, and they also have to acquire adequate level of digital literacy. Teachers are also responsible for reflecting on the ethical challenges presented by contemporary issues, such as data privacy and the elimination of algorithmic prejudice (Almusaed et al., 2023).

Mobile and Open Hybrid Learning Affordances and Potentials


Mobile device use can vary widely from user to user. Factors which can affect use of mobile devices for learning, especially during a time of crisis could include:


Learning can take place anywhere, anytime with mobile devices. Ability for users to focus on learning at the most suitable time will encourage meaningful participation, in many ways, including connection and interaction with folks outside their traditional learning zone.

Certain technical requirements and features must be considered prior to implementation of mobile learning, for both students and staff alike, such as:

"Hybrid education should integrate online learning in asynchronous mode, with micro-components of 20 mins on theoretical components of modules that enhance autonomous theoretical learning." Almusaed et al., 2023.

Integrate In-Person & Remote Students Simultaneously

From the University of Alberta, Center for Teaching & Learning, is an informative video on how teachers can integrate in-person and remote students at the same time. As this is a challenge of HyFlex, this video is incredibly valuable for those who are looking to employ HyFlex in their classrooms. 


UNESCO finds "Learning can unfold in a variety of  ways:  people  can  use  mobile  devices  to  access  educational  resources,  connect with others, or create content, both inside and outside classrooms. Mobile  learning  also  encompasses  efforts  to  support  broad  educational  goals such as the effective administration of school systems and improved communication between schools and families." 

Organizational connectedness can be achieved by utilizing hybrid and mobile learning opportunities which would otherwise be exclusive to campus. Creators must consider various platforms prior to the creation of hybrid learning opportunities to determine a "best fit" application or platform for hybrid learning. Comfort of implementation by the user will impact choice, highlighting the need for potential training sessions on additional platforms. Additionally, understanding of institutional frameworks for incorporation of hardware is imperative for seamless implementation. 

Factors worth consideration include: 

Results from a study at a university in Taiwan revealed that "students in the hybrid course had higher learning scores, satisfaction, and a stronger sense of community compared to traditional classroom face-to-face students, hybrid teaching was not implemented simultaneously with online and onsite students. Instead, both groups of students received the same instruction differently, one online and the other face-to-face." Almusaed et al., 2023.


Almusaed et al. (2023) found that "Quality education is essential to the 2030 UN sustainable development goal. It seeks quality, inclusive education for all." When properly employed, the additional educational value mobile devices can provide in a hybrid learning environment, are endless. 

Shraim and Cromptom (2015) found academics were positively aware of the pedagogical value of integrating mobile devices into their curriculum. Academics were cognizant of the benefit of the devices linking formal and informal learning environments by allowing learning opportunities to take place at anytime and anyplace, and that the devices enhance an awareness of a subject matter, student motivation, and engagement. In addition, it allowed students and professors to collaborate, communicate and learn together making the learning environment more pleasing, significant, and accessible. 

Administrators should provide context surrounding the infrastructures, resources, and professional development training available for educators to seamlessly and successfully integrate mobile learning into practice. Training faculty will improve comfort levels with students utilizing these devices. Additionally, it is vital professors support the use of mobile devices to achieve successful outcomes, however they must see the merit of device use and how it can support student success. 

The administration of information in hybrid learning must be examined in further depth to explore the efficiency and abilities beyond the "in-the-moment" application which initial iterations have seen. Research shows the link between utilizing mobile devices and the learning process to be a powerful way to encourage and enhance learning for those participating in hybrid learning experiences.

Education 4.0 is the next future wave of education, where tools and systems are utilized to leverage and enable learning. Dr. Soloman David speaks in this TED talk to the journey which has taken place to get the world to the 4th industrial revolution, in addition to many concerns educators might face regarding their ability to prepare students for the uncertain future, and what next steps might look like. 

Hybrid Teaching Strategies

From the University of Alberta, Center for Teaching & Learning is a video providing strategies to plan hybrid learning. 


Research has shown that student learning outcomes can improve as education becomes more personal. Latinovic & Sikman (2022). 

"Education systems around the world cannot afford another crisis. Now is the time to learn from the educational challenges presented by COVID-19 and prepare education systems for future potential shocks. Gradually digitizing lessons and preparing teachers and students for remote learning will be key. However, it is vital to ensure that the acceleration of digital does not exacerbate existing inequalities. As the world enters a unique phase in which blended learning will test the world’s education systems, resilience, and reflection on lessons learned will help EdTech become a catalyst for universal quality education." (Latinovic & Sikman, 2022). Tools that are now available to educators can assist in their hybrid teaching through multiple facets. Educators are no longer the keepers of knowledge, but now serve as facilitators of information. Students are on the cusp of a new frontier in education, where they are at the helm of exploration. "Students should develop several skills for this new complex hybrid worlds such as learning agility, online collaboration, and self-regulation." Clifft & Assiouras (2023).