AI: The Mobile Feedback of the Future

AI and Mobile Feedback

Instantaneous and Timely

AI-assisted feedback tools on mobile devices save time for educators and allow students to receive feedback promptly. Also, learners can receive feedback instantaneously and directly from AI without having to wait for their teachers.


Using the camera on a mobile device,  educators and learners can quickly scan students' written work. With the image-to-text converting feature, there is no need for teachers or students to spend extra time typing in already written work.


The mic on a mobile device can be used for recording feedback and assessing students' reading levels, allowing for quick and easy assessments. The mic can also be used for the speech-to-text feature to address the needs of diverse students in writing or typing.

Beneficial for Educators and Learners

Educators can save hours by using AI feedback tools and can be more consistent and unbiased in grading student work while providing students with detailed, constructive feedback on time. By getting timely feedback using AI-assisted tools, learners can be assured that they are on the right track and reflect on areas for growth in their learning.