Rationale for Analysis

Writing-Indispensable Skill

Writing can be a struggle for many, mainly depending on the complexity of what is required. For example, when students write academic papers, common problems are combining sentences, comma errors, fragments, or dangling modifiers (Frantzen).
It is a necessary skill that students need to enter the workforce. Unfortunately, employers come across less-than-stellar quality of writing when interviewing recent graduates (Graves, 2013).
A study conducted in 2019 found that 41% of students who took the American College Testing (ACT) exam did not score well enough to meet readiness benchmarks for a college-level English composition class (Picou, 2020).

Therefore, students need tools and resources to assist them with their writing as they improve. Grammarly will provide support in both their academic and professional journeys.

Many students will take advantage of campus writing centers; however, they are unavailable 24/7 or booked during peak times.

Grammarly is available on-demand as an AI writing assistant and helps students improve their communication. It identifies their mistakes and explains the reason to the learner why the sentencing may be incorrect.