ESSET - Powering your business


Europe has formulated the ambition to achieve a climate neutral economy by 2050. This will require a lasting transition in the energy landscape with dramatic shifts in energy production and consumption patterns, well beyond what can be achieved with efficiency measures.

Through a Joint Venture with the international RSK group, we created a new company called RSK Energy to strengthen the range of services and to open the door to internationalisation . - read more

Strategy & Innovation

In need of a clear direction in uncertain times? Looking for experts in scenario planning and how it can be used to develop a dynamic strategy to better prepare for a fast changing context? - read more

Looking for support on innovation? Trying to assess upcoming technologies? Need a partner that helps you to establish the innovation ecosystem to launch a new technology? Looking to transform your industry or sector from a point of view of circularity or sustainability ? - read more

September 2017-

ESSET - RSK ENERGY has been selected to conduct energy audits in Flemish public buildings, for Vlaams EnergieBedrijf. Proud to be a contributor to realising improved public infrastructure!

3-6 December 2018, Padova

ESSET participated to the General Assembly Meeting of the H2020 project INCREDIBLE, in Padova (I). ESSET coaches the innovation networks (iNets) on non-wood forest products (mushrooms, truffles, nuts and berries, cork, aromatics and essential oils).


19-23 November 2018, Luanda

ESSET consultants coach & teach scenario planning methodology for the oil and gas industry, in Angola.

How will the energy outlook for your sector be like?

Contact us to have a conversation on scenario planning and how it contributes to the creation of a dynamic strategy.


ESSET, together with RSK has been tasked to introduce ISO 14001 in Het Facilitair Bedrijf, including project management, integration of stakeholder input, auditing, and creating the overall plan to prepare Het Facilitair Bedrijf for its ISO 14001 certification.

October 2018, Ljubljana

ESSET consultants have been coaching the Advisory Board of the European STORY project on energy storage, on identifying and developing options to apply and exploit the outcomes of the pilot projects for energy storage. Contributing to turn innovation in value, is a core mission for ESSET.

November 2017-

As partner of the consortium of H2020 project INCREDIBLE, ESSET focuses on coaching the innovation networks (iNETS) for non-wood forest products in the mediterranean area - with seminars and initiatives being organised in Tunisia, Sardegna, Spain, Greece, France,...

April 2019 - Energy Storage

ESSET consultants participate to the facilitation of H2020 STORY's seminary in Gent, on April 29th, 2019.

April 2019 - Energy Vision

ESSET has helped Brussels Airport Company to articulate an energy vision, with a roadmap to reach that vision.

March 2019 - Transforming Textile

ESSET consultants have been part of the facilitation team for the H2020 RESYNTEX workshop in Ljubljana, on designing and understanding the innovation ecosystems to achieve circularity in the textile industry.

September 2017

ESSET - RSK ENERGY BV has been shortlisted by Vlaams EnergieBedrijf to conduct energy audits in Flemish public buildings.

July 2017

ESSET launches its HEAF axial flux electric machine technology, showing the highest efficiency in the power range 3-50 kW.

June 2017

INCREdible, a new H2020 project has been approved! ESSET is consortium partner, providing support on innovation and valorisation schemes.

April 2017

ESSET facilitates the final event of the ESKIMO project to promote the use of ESCO/EPC for energy investments.


ESSET receives VLAIO support to develop a high performance power generator for small hydro power, based on the HEAF axial flux technology.