Steven Libbrecht - Founder and Managing Director

Steven is passionate about making companies develop on a path of sustainable growth. He is equally passionate about assessing and exploiting the potential of new ideas and technologies and knows how to turn innovation into profitable and sustainable business.

His areas of expertise include strategy and foresight, impact and risk assessment, innovation management, project and business management, consortia building as well as organisational development.

His industrial track record covers various roles within the Shell Group of Companies (with positions in Belgium, Italy and France) - in R&D, technology assessment, industrialisation of new technologies, as well as business management. For several years, he held the general management position in a fast growing family owned SME.

He has been involved in developing the 2010 edition of the Energy Technology Roadmaps 2050 of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Furthermore, he also contributed to the MYRRHA project of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (2008-2012), focussing on the socioeconomic impact and valorisation aspects of the innovative large research infrastructure. Over the years, he has been involved as an expert in stakeholder engagement processes (design and facilitation of participatory processes) in series of European funded FP7/H2020 projects such as BeWater, IMPRESSIONS, INCREdible, STORY,...

Steven has a PhD in physics. His language capabilites cover English, Dutch, French as well as Italian. He can be contacted at: