Esmat  Farzana
Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering  
Iowa State University


Esmat Farzana is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University (ISU). Her research focuses on realizing next  generation energy-efficient power electronics using (ultra)wide-bandgap semiconductors by integrating their material properties, device development, and addressing extreme environment challenges for high-voltage, space, and defense electronics.

Prior to joining ISU in Fall 2023, she spent four years as a Postdoctoral scholar in the Materials Department at University of California, Santa Barbara, extensively focusing on high-power and radiation-hard device development with β-Ga2O3 and III-nitrides. She received her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Ohio State University in 2019 where she built her another area of expertise in characterizing defects and radiation effects in β-Ga2O3, InAlN, and GaN to improve their material quality and doping properties. She obtained her B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and worked as a Lecturer in Ahsanullah University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka before starting her PhD in USA. 

After joining ISU, she has received the prestigious 2024 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Her lead-author publications from PhD and Postdoctoral research have been featured as Editor’s pick (four times) in IEEE Electron Device Letters, Applied Physics Letters, APL Materials, and recognized among most cited articles in Journal of Applied Physics. She was also invited by American Institute of Physics (AIP) to be an editor of a book on β-Ga2O3 material and devices. She was selected a Rising Star in EECS in 2020.