Microsoft Translator Instructions in Many Languages
Please note that all translations were created using Google Machine Translations, and may contain errors. If you are able to provide corrections please email:
Math Vocabulary
These math talk vocabulary supports are available in many languages.
Math test vocabulary and videos: a collection of common math test instructions in plain English, with visuals and videos to explain, as well as a link to Google Translated instructions (audio and written form). Select other languages for translation as needed.
This short video will show you how to use the Math Test Vocabulary spreadsheet.
Multilingual Resources Padlet
This Multilingual Resource Padlet was created by educator Megan Dreher and contains many multilingual resources, sorted by subject area/topic.
COVID-19 Resources
Multilingual Personal Dictionary Creator
This Multilingual Personal Dictionary Creator is a useful tool for both educators and students. It was created by Dr. Irina McGrath and Dr. Michelle Shory. It was originally published on the ELL 2.0 Website. Simply type a word into the first column and it will auto-generate visuals, a link to pronunciation practice, a definition, and translations in different languages. I have coded additional languages in the copy below. Please reach out if you need a language that is not listed here.
Printable Digital Language Mats (Common Phrases)
Check out these free Dual-Language "Language Mats", with commonly used classroom phrases in Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish!
Language-Specific Resource Bundles

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Arabic, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Chinese, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Spanish as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Dari and Farsi, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.
Check out this resource with links to free online books in Turkish, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Russian and Ukrainian, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Urdu, as well as dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with a video containing important words to know for school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Korean, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Vietnamese, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Punjabi, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.

Check out this resource with links to free online books in Somali, as well as some dual-language resources to help support students in the first few weeks of school.
Visual Schedules for Newcomers
Survival Vocabulary for Newcomers
Caregiver Communication Interpreter Request Forms
Here is a folder of caregiver communication forms translated into many different languages, for requesting home-school communication via interpreter.
Phonological Awareness
Click here to access this multilingual phonological awareness document, which can help parents/guardians understand how words in different languages are broken down into sounds.
Science Resources
Arabic-English Water Cycle Diagram
Korean-English Water Cycle Diagram
View, Print, or Copy Science Key Vocabulary Visual Dictionaries in Many Languages by vising the Google Drive Folder or click on the links below:
FREE Web-Based Books in Many Languages
Ergo Live Well Books (Arabic and English dual-language books with a wellness focus)
(Monolingual texts in many languages)
Unite For Literacy (text in English and Spanish with narration in MANY languages)
Children's Books Online (Monolingual texts in many languages)
KidsOut World Stories (Monolingual texts in many languages)
This short wordless video can be shared with students and families to help them navigate to websites with books in their home languages.
Google Classroom and D2L Brightspace
Multilingual Introduction to Brightspace Playlist (created for the WRDSB)
Thank you to all volunteers involved in this project.
Language Names Written In Their Own Scripts
I like to use language names written in their own scripts to allow students and their caregivers to easily identify and access information in their home languages on websites and other resources. Please see this resource for a list of commonly translated languages written in their own scripts.

MyLanguages Translations for Common Vocabulary is a FREE website with links to common words, phrases, and simple vocabulary lessons in many languages that can be helpful when supporting MLLs, including audio pronunciations and visuals.
Home Language Resources for Families
Plan of Study Template for Extended Absences
When students will be on an extended absence and require a plan of study, please feel free to use this Plan of Study Template to provide meaningful, low-prep activities for your student to do while they are away. It includes books in home languages to support the continued development of literacy in both English and the home language.
Social Narratives
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the creation of the items found on this page.
Please feel free to make copies of anything that you can use with your students, but be a good digital citizen:
1) Keep attribution intact.
2) Do not sell or take credit for anything that has been freely shared with you here, even if you have modified it or reformatted it. You're better than that.
3) Sharing is caring. Please continue to freely share resources with others and pay it forward.
Many translations were created using DIY Translation Tools and may contain errors. If you are willing to support with editing any translations, please email: