Technical Information

Bologna 2020 Microsoft Teams Tutorial

We will be using the Microsoft Teams platform of the University of Bologna. Please make sure to use a fast and stable internet connection, and to use the most updated version of your browser and operative system. Remember that the system works best with the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Be sure to enter the symposia room where you are a presenter/chair/commentator at least 15 minutes in advance to check your powerpoints and address any technical issues that may arise. To ensure better audio quality please use headphones/earplugs with a microphone. Each symposium will have a co-chair from the unibo staff helping out with accepting participants and the q&a sessions. If your are a speaker, please remember to open your presentation – powerpoint, pdf, slideshow or keynote – on your computer before the symposium starts.

For technical inquiries, write to:

Download a pdf version of this tutorial


For presenters, chairs, and commentators: you can click either on the message you received in your inbox from the conference organizers or on the link corresponding to your symposium on the conference website.

For the audience: go to the conference website, select which symposium you want to attend and click on the link.


After you click on the link you will see this screen:

Select “Continue on this browser” (no download or installation required; if you already have the Microsoft Teams app installed on your computer you can of course use it). The system works best with the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


Type in your name (family name first) and select “Join now”


Depending on your role and on the meeting settings, you'll get in right away, or you will be sent to a lobby where the technical chair of the symposium can admit you.


Please remember to turn off your microphone while other people are presenting. Open your presentation – powerpoint, pdf, images or keynote – on your computer. If you are the speaker, please make sure to enable your microphone and camera by clicking on the icons.

Before you start talking, if you have a presentation to show, select Share

Select Desktop to share your presentation.

After you select what you want to show, a red border surrounds what you're sharing. Once you are done with your talk, select Stop sharing to stop showing your screen.


To ask a question or make a comment you have two options.

a) Select Raise your hand in the meeting controls.

Everyone will see that you have raised your hand

Click on the Show participants button to see the list of people with their hands raised, and wait for the chair or the technical chair to moderate the discussion. Turn on the microphone and speak. Click again on the Raise your hand icon to lower your hand after you have talked.

b) Select the chat icon and write down your question there. The chair or the technical chair will gather questions and moderate the discussion.

7. Once the symposium or meeting is over, do not forget to click on the red receiver icon to abandon the meeting.

8. Here is a list of actions you can try in case of problems, that we have written down after the tests:

  • please be sure to use the most updated version of either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

  • please make sure to reply on the invitation message (which you have received August 10 or 11 by

  • If problems still persist, download the Teams app and then click on the link sent in the invitation message (see point above). Do not try to access the app via name and password

  • If you are using a Mac and if problems still persist after you downloaded the app, change the security settings as follows: go to System Preferences > Click Security & Privacy > Privacy tab – finally click on the Teams icon to allow the app to use your camera.