Paris 2019

photo : salah Chouli

Final meeting of the Erasmus+ Reporters without frontiers project 2016-2019, at the Lycée. From 15 to 24 March 2019, Paul Claudel High School in Hulst hosted the last meeting of the project Erasmus+ Reporters without Frontiers. Germans, Spaniards, Icelanders and Greeks found themselves to conclude their reporting mission on the themes of refugees, poverty, racism and sustainable development, which were studied in each school in the five partner countries since the project began in 2016.

This year to Paul Claudel from Hulst, it is the class of second 5 who worked on the topics beforehand with their teachers. With their hosts during the meeting, the groups went to meet different associations and personalities who could help them document. The final presentation in the auditorium was a warm moment of sharing. The students and the volunteer teachers, not without emotion, were able to see in images unforgettable moments of this beautiful European School Partnership that is coming to an end. The coordinating team would like to thank the all the volunteers invested over these three years and wish a long life to their new friendships! We also thank the families for welcoming foreign students who were delighted with their stay.

All we have done stay in our heart and here, enjoy!
